View Profile ZeeAk
Gamertag: ZeeAk.

Zac @ZeeAk

Age 31, Male

Cinema usher.

Queensland University of Tech.

Logan, QLD

Joined on 3/7/06

Exp Points:
4,110 / 4,440
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6.16 votes
Police Officer
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Posted by ZeeAk - May 14th, 2008

An explosion rocked the dirtied, white Toyota Landcruiser. Debris hit the metal sides, denting it severely. The car swerved, as one of it's tyres was scorched by the flames. Smoke trailed behind the Landcruiser as it left the explosion remnants. The driver, a sniper by the name of Python, brought the car back under control. Another eruption of debris, smoke and flame shot up from the other side of the thin, dusty road. Dust, dirt and tiny pieces of rock pelted the car. The passenger, another sniper named Tread, lay two rifles;one battle and another an automatic. The AR-10 belonged to the driver, a more experienced soldier, and the M14 automatic rifle belonged to Tread.

A third explosion rocked the Landcruiser. Tread spun around, notcing a thin, white smoke contrail. "Shit! RPGs!" The driver kept his eyes on the road, as another RPG slammed into the dust. "If these are RPGs what were the other two?" Python screamed over the explosion. "Landmines!" Yelled back the passenger. "Fuck." Two more RPGs flew in from nearby rooftops, as they entered Baghdad. Machine guns also opened fire on the Landcruiser. An RPG launcer rested behind Tread's seat. "Grab the launcher!" Python screamed. Explosions erupted all around them, and bullets hammered the now bitumen road, and narrowly missing the car's tyres.

A corner. Python screamed to the passenger. "Hold on!" He hit the brakes. hard. The two back wheels of the Landcruiser died, momentarily. The front ones kept going, and the car drifted to the side. An RPG exploded beside the Landcruiser. Shaken and battered, Python slammed into the nearest building, shattering a window. Tread, unable to keep a hold of the RPG launcher, let it go. The launcher fell from the car window, hitting the bitumen. As they fell, the trigger bounced back. A grenade spiralled out of the barrel and bounced up, exploding on a building. Several men were blown off the building, and onto the street. Their screams punctured the air.

Python let go of the barkes, and sped forward. The explosions had stopped temporarily. The bullets hadn't. Ahead, Python saw a ramp, leading onto the rooftops of a low building. Right behind the house, was a huge hill. Foot flat on the accelerator, Python hit the ramp, and shot over the building.

Right beneath the short building was another, level with the one Python was now driving over. To Tread, it seemed suicidal. More and more bullets splintered the roofs around them. Python this the egde of the roof, bouncing onto the next. Driving straight, he could see another building several metres ahead. Just as they reached the end of the second roof, it exploded. Then, everything went rapidly, horribly wrong. The explosion tore up a huge chunk of the roof, and the LandCruiser jolted. Debris slammed into the windshield, cracking the fragile glass. Huge, frosted lines, all jagged rendered the windshield unable to see through.

"Shit!" Tread swore, loudly. The car left the rooftop awkwardly, on an angle. As they landed, the two left wheels took the brunt of the force. The LandCruiser almost bounced, as they left suspension snapped under the pressure. Python swore as well. The car fell onto it's right wheels, crippled. The entire vehicle was on an angle, supported on the left side by nothing but the tyre guard. But the bullets never relented. Nor did the new onslaught of explosions. Huge chunks of nearby buildings were destroyed by stray missiles. Missiles. Tread watched missile-men aim at the vehicle. "Python! Missiles!"

Several Stingers were from different areas around the city, and slammed into the nearby buildings, their co-ordinates falling short. The LandCruiser, beaten, battered and broken was about to die. But Python never gave up.

Around him, entire buildings erupted in spectacular shows of fire, smoke and debris. "Fire at them!" Python yelled to Tread.Gripping the wheel, his knuckles pure white, adrenaline fuelled the drive forward. Nothing but adrenaline. Tread could see it. And he knew what created adrenaline. Fear. The great Python was afraid.

On the ground, an Iraqi commander watched the LandCruiser press on, over the buildings, with explosion and bullets all around. Walls the vehicle collapsed, yet the determind driver kept going. Rotating around, on a helicopter's vision camera, he could see the frosted windshield. The driver couldn't see out of the windshield. So, he, the commander, had the complete advantage.

A nearby helicopter hovered lower than usual, prepping a missile. It would have one chance to get this shot perfect, or have the entire helicopter blasted out of the sky by remote explosives. The Iraqi reward for punishment. For seven seconds it waited, for the LandCruiser to make a fatal error. And finally, it did.

Unable to see, Python could only steer based on what he felt and heard. He couldn't have known there was a drop at the end of this building. But there was.

Suddenly, the helicopter opened fire, with the single missile. It took barely two seconds to hit it's target, but it worked.

Just as Python reached the halfway point of the roof, the edge exploded. "Shit!" He yelled, barely able to hear due to the explosion's proximity. He released his grip on the wheel, and suddenly the car veered left. As the roof collapsed, he slammed the left wall of the house. The impact pressed the hood of the LandCruiser inward. The back wall fell onto the very back of the LandCuirser, shearing away the boot door, and missing Tread's seat by inches. The front wall was blasted by a missile of some sorts, and obliterated. The debris spouna round the round, pounding the Toyota. Python ducked as soon as he heard the blast, hiding behind the steering wheel. Chunks of debris smashed the windshield completely, tearing all the glass from the sockets, leaving an empty space. The elite sniper could now see. His knuckles felt strange, as if they had locked up on him, but he had to keep going. Python reversed, as Tread hung onto his seat for dear life.

The LandCruiser reversed for two whole building lengths. It stopped when it slammed into the far wall. An explosive hit this wall, as well. It collapsed, right as the LandCruiser sped forward. It slammed into the forward wall, and broke straight through it. Turning to the left, and fighting a desperately losing battle with the steering wheel, Python turned out onto the street. Thousands of guns opened fire, and many thousands of bullets bounced around the road, dangerously close to the speeding vehicle. Still turning left, and trying to cross the street, Python still tried to fight. He knew that if he survived this ordeal; and the odds were resolutely stacked against him, he would have no energy to run or fight. Sweat covered his brow. He couldn't wipe it off or he would lose control. Tread, of his own accord, grabbed his automatic battle rifle, still resting on the floor of the LandCruiser and began to open fire. His accuracy was spot-on, and he shot the closest of the Iraqi soldiers. The deathtoll rose to five, now, with the three quick deaths.

Suddenly, however, something detonated on the road ahead. Flames licked at the hood of the Toyota, and bullets slammed into it's doors. One bullet missed Python's feet by inches. The explosion had torn up the road, creating a makeshift, bitumen ramp. Unable to stop, the LandCruiser hit the jump, and into the air.

Soaring, the Toyota slammed into the corner of a rooftop, landing on one wheel. Unable to support itself, the vehicle dropped of the edge, still continuing forward. Gunning it, right as the back wheel of the LandCruiser hit the roof's edge, the vehicle lurched forward. Try as he might, Python had completely lost control. Tread was about to fly out of the car, when he jumped forward. He jumped over the two second row of seats, and landed in a straight line, across them all. Deathly still, he just waited.

The LandCruiser bowled straight through the wall of the next building, at the same time as a huge missile slammed into the base. The two hits shook the building's foundations. The LandCruiser landed on it's left side, and rolled. The roof buckled, severely. Tread dived to the floor. Python attempted to unbuckle his seat belt. But it wouldn't come undone.

Python ducked low as he could, as the roof crumpled, barely inches from his head. The Totoyta kept rolling, slamming through the nearest wall, still with incredible speed. Tread was thrown from side to side of the car. His arms and legs were bruising, and his ribs were being battered. Python, out of energy, and desperate grabbed his knife from the glove box, while the car fell, sliced his seat belt, spun and dived. He landed on the second row of seats and rolled to the floor, clutching the seat lever, and pulled.

The LandCruiser slammed into the ground. Hard. The entire roof was destroyed; obliterated in a split-second. Tread's head hit the seat in front of the him as they landed. All the other seats were busted; torn apart and shredded by the raging metal. Nearby, the ground burst into a huge fireball. Dust rained down on the LandCruiser once again. The gunfire ceased. Both men were flat on the floor. To any outsiders, no man could have survived the absolute atrocity. The LandCruiser stopped it's constant rocking. Then there was silence. Nothing. No sounds. That was their chance.


lol at above fuck up :D

i really enjoyed the story. But all of this violence and killing is getting a little old after O'ahu. maybe make something a little funnier to spice up your page?