View Profile ZeeAk
Gamertag: ZeeAk.

Zac @ZeeAk

Age 31, Male

Cinema usher.

Queensland University of Tech.

Logan, QLD

Joined on 3/7/06

Exp Points:
4,110 / 4,440
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.16 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

O'ahu Part 2

Posted by ZeeAk - August 25th, 2007

I ran to the trolley's railing, and rolled out, ripping it from the weakened, black sockets. I grabbed a nearby body, and used it as a fleshy shield, as I moved forward. Another Japanese man threw a grenade at the trolley. The entire vehicle exploded, and debris and blood began to rain down. I used this to my advantage, and threw the body against the mantlet they had re-erected. The Japanese soliders stopped the mantlet from collapsing with their shoulders. I ran forward, using the debris as cover, and grabbed the body again, and again using it as a shield, ran straight into the mantlet. Several of the Japanese lot focus, and the entire mantlet collapsed on it's defenders.


I lay flat on the ground as the smoke of the two explosions cleared, and made the body crouch, as if ducking. The Japanese mistook the body for me, and they shot it. Well, destroyed it. Almost seven machine gun clips were emptied on the body, in exchange for all the damage I had caused. I also noticed that all the surviving Japanese militia had no ammunition. But, they had swords. I jumped up, and began shooting wildly. The entire Japanese group of soldiers charged at me, while on man pulled a gun from the mantlet. He began to shoot at me. I rolled, as he caught one of his own men in the back. He dropped dead, and I shot the man with the gun. The two bodies collapsed instantly, and I rolled away from one of the men with a sword. He swung at the ground, and slammed his blade on th tarmac, as I grabbed the dead man's sword, and threw my gun up in the air.


One of the Japanese men ran forward, stretching out his hand to reach for the gun, and I swung my sword. I slashed my gun through the middle, rendering it useless, and, as the Japanes eman's momentum carried him forward, sliced through his arm, and shoulder into his skull. The man dropped, and I spun the sword around. I stepped back, as a few more men ran at me, and my gun fell on the road. I knelt, and grabbed a small rock. I threw it at the tarmac near where my gun's gunpowder was spilling out. The rock hit the tarmac, and created sparks, and the powder caught fire, and exploded. Three Japanese men dropped to their knees as their bodies burned horribly.


The other men, five of them ran forward. The first man to reach me swung in a wide arc, down low. I jumped over it, and side-swung at him, and my blow was blocked by a second man. I swung down low, and sliced a third man's knees, and he collapsed, and I ran him through. The other four closed me in, and I found myself back against a building.


I side-stepped the first blow, and it glanced off the wall, as I drove my blade into the heart of the man that atacked me. I rolled behind one of the Japanese men, and grabbed a plastic explosive from his pocket. I got back up, holding the explosive up. "In a line!" I yelled at them, in Japanese. None of them moved. I propped my arm back into a throwing position. They looked at me. I hit the began countdown, and set the countdown to infinite. "I'm deadly serious." I told them. "Just look around." They looked at all the bodies of their comrades. One of the men nodded, and urged the others to form up behind him. I took a step back, to the man with the gun, and grabbed the gun. Immediately, they formed a line. "Good."


I threw the explosive, and it hit the pavement, bouncing up into the first man's face. I brought my gun up, and shot it, diving backwards. The small weapon exploded in a fireball, massive for it's size. The men did instantly, as their bodies were torn apart. Flesh and blood splattered on the building behind. "Nice." I stood up.


Several police vehicles drove up behind me. My father got out of one of them. "Jasan! The hell are you doing here." He ran over to me. I looked at him, eye to eye. "YOUR fucking job."
My father glared at me. "My job? What the fuck just happened here, because you were doing MY fucking job, huh?" I turned around, and punched his gut. "Yea, your fucking job. Wanna know what the fuck happened? Almost 20 innocent people died, because fucking Japanese militia killed them. Get them out of the fucking country. Got it? Good." I began to walk away. "Oh, by the fucking way, I'm taking one of your fucking cars, to replace mine. Dumb fuck." My father just stood, staring at me, as blood covered my arm, and my white shirt was covered in black ashes.


I sat back in the police cruiser my foot on the accelerator, pushing the seat back, and leaning into it. I grabbed a nearby Sprite and chugged it. I wound the window down, and threw it out the window, and it bounced off the pavement. I turned onto the highway, and flicked the sirens on. Cars dodged out of the way, as I sped down the highway, as I had been taught by my officers.I looked down, to try and find another Sprite, and leaned on the wheel, turning into the far lane, as the traffic going the opposite way zoomed past, separated only by a small bump in the middle of the road. I sat back up, unable to find what I was looking for. I flicked my hair back, and looked up again. "Holy fuck."


A huge SUV slammed into the small separator, and busted it's tire. That didn't stop the maniacal drivers. They spun violently to the right, toward me, as sparks erupted from their broken tire. I turned around in my seat, flicking cruise control on. I grabbed a small machine gun from the back, and opened fire. My bullets peppered the SUV's hood, but glanced off the bullet proof engine. I turned back around, and took control again, turning cruise control off. I spun the car around, and dived out, rolling onto the separator.


The SUV passengers looked at me, seconds before the car slammed into the police car, crushing a grenade that was accidentally left on the floor, and both vehicles exploded into thousands of pieces. I ducked as glass and debris landed around me, cracking the highway. I stood, realising too late that the highway suspended, 50 feet up in the air. "Fuck."


I looked down. The forest spread out in every direction. I also noticed a wrecked car that looked like it had been there forever. I looked back over, as the bridge kept cracking, and it could be heard easily. I ran back up the bridge, as it began to tilt and slide backwards. 'Fuck!" I kept yelling, as I ran up. The cars on the bridge struggled to get up the bridge, and began to slide back, as it kept tilting. I watched as the entire portion of bitumen I was on collapsed. I jumped, and caught a few small cables from the part of the bridge still hanging on, as the other portion slammed onto the forest floor, with the cars and their drivers. A Japanese man came forward, a machine gun in his hands. "Time to die, Jasan Brown." He said, in plain English, with a slight accent. I looked down at him. He thought I was among the injured and dead drivers. He opened fire, and one thousands more guns erupted into fire. Hundreds of thousands of bullets, from either side of the wreckage pile, slammed and peppered the wreckages and bodies.


"Bastards!" I muttered to myself, sitting on the bridge. I had a nearby rag in my hands from somewhere, probably fell out of the window of a car, and got carried by the wind. It's history was beyond me, and it didn't care. I wiped the blood of my arm with it, and cleaned my face with the other side. I looked back over the side, and dropped the rag. There was no wind, almost in an eerie memory of the lost. I turned, and began walking to the other side of the bridge; a good 7 miles. "This is gonna be a long day." I looked up,nd three military grade helicopters flew overhead, and shot past me. One turned around, and began flying side on, jesting me to get in. I walked closer, as the other two choppers descended into the forest. Immediately, gunfire erupted, and an American popped his head out from the chopper, and told me to get in. I ran forward, jumped in a grabbed a machine gun. We lifted off, and circled the forest, and one of the helicopters landed, and about 50 Marines spilled out, opening fire on the Japanese. i watched from above as several grenades flew through the air. The grenades exploded, tearing the Marine defense to shreds. 20 more Marines spilled from the chopper, and began firing.


A rocket finally spiraled from the from the forest and slammed the helicopter side on. A grenade bounced on the other side, and ripped the left side to shreds as it exploded. Most of the Marines survived, with the exception of a few brave soldiers. The Japanese men still held their ground. "Fuck!" I yelled. "They're all gonna die!" One of the Marines looked at me, and nodded, sadly. "Let me drive." I ran to the cockpit. "Let me drive!" I yelled at the pilot, and he landed the chopper. I took his seat and headphones, and smiled at him. "Time to go." I took off, and circled the forest, grabbing my radio. "Oi!" I yelled. A response came quickly from the other helo. "What?" I smiled. "Circle the forest below us, then land, and send your men in groups of ten. Then, open fire with the on-board machine guns. So, leave some men behind. This is gonna get messy."


The Japanese men watched, temporarily ceasing fire, as two helicopters landed in the clearing, just alongside the first. Thy began firing again, as several of their men collapsed, bullets in their heads. I sat back in the helicopter seat, as the first group of men spilled out, reinforcing the originals. "Guns, guns, guns." I said, standing up, and looking around. " I need a machine gun! A big one" I looked around, and my eye landed on something else. "Or a rocket launcher will do." I grabbed it, and set it up on the window. "Someone shoot this window!" One of the Marines ready to leave stepped back and shot the window, and it shattered. "Thanks. Now, go!"


The Marine nodded, and ran out of the chopper. I watched him duck behind a piece of debris from the injured chopper, and fire carefully. "Good man." I muttered. I took aim again with the rocket. Napalm.. "I turned around, to the remaining Marines. "You guys got napalm on board?" I yelled, over the roar of gunfire. One of the Marines nodded, and looked to the back. I took the rocket down from the window, and ran to the back, ripping the door open. I found small package labelled 'Napalm' and ran back out. I strapped it to a nearby rocket, and loaded the launcher. "Time to roll."


I looked around. Only one group remained, and the rest, bar a few lost men, were still fighting. I aimed the rocket launcher for the last time. "Go!" I yelled, a the men spilled out of the chopper. I fired the rocket deep in the forest, where I thought the Japanese shots were coming from. I watched as the rocket exploded, burning everything around it. Including Japanese soldiers. Men ran from the forest into the clearing, their bodies burning, and some just in surrender. I stepped out of the helicopter, grabbing a gun. "Flesh it out!" I yelled, and the men swept the forest area with a barrage of bullets. Several screams erupted from the forest. "Job well done."


"Sir! The other chopper!" I looked behind me, as explosions tore up the clearing, and bodies scattered the ground. "Take position behind the chopper; fire through the gaps!" I yelled. The men piled through the chopper, past the middle one, and the ugly bodies of the destruction, and to the second chopper. "Get in!" I yelled, running forward, and slamming the outer door. I watched our men pull back to the helicopter, and we lost many troops in the retreat. "Get it open a little!" I yelled to one of the Marines. He nodded, ran forward and opened it slightly. A few men started climbing a board, and firing through the gun slots. More than 30 men stood outside, holding off the Japanese forces. One of the men turned, and slammed on the door. "Get out of here! We're trained for this!" He yelled to us. One of the Marines looked at me. I started the chopper, and began to lift off. "You're leaving them?" I shook my head. "No." I'm killing the Japs. I flew the chopper over, as the 30 Marines ran back into my first chopper. I spun the chopper around, and flew around the back. I lowered the chopper, and men climbed into the machine gun turrets. "Let's roll!"


THe guns started firing immediately, and the Japanese forces were split in two, fighting off two foes. One, a group of strong willed Marines, ready to die, and a huge, metal chopper, descending on them. The chopper was side on now, facing the Japanese, as they were slammed by bullets and huge flak shells. The flaks tore through their steel defences, and the other group of Marines remounted the assault. I lowered the helicopter's angle, and the blades started slicing the ground. "Forward!" One of the Marines yelled to me. I thrust the chopper sideways, cutting up trees, bodies, and weapons. The Japanese lines were thinning. Blood littered the ground, in splats on the trees, and vehicle shields. The entire Japanese force, of about 50 now, backed against a small bundle of cars. I grabbed my radio. "Stay back!" I yelled, trying to reach the other Marines. I watched one of the Marines grab his radio, and nod. The group began to run back to the choppers, and dived behind the broken one. I nodded. The chopper sped up, as bullet slammed into it, shattering the glass, killing one of the Marines, and injuring another. I sped up more and more, and the blades cut up the ground as we went. "Forward!" I slammed the chopper's speed up to max, and smashed into the barrier.


Metal, oil, blood, flesh, bodies and guns went flying, among the trees and grass and leaves already spiraling around. The blades ran a few Japanese troops through, slicing others in half, and killing the others as the cars and steel and bullet slammed into them. I angled the chopper properly, and landed, slowing the blades. The Marines shoved the door open, and ran out, embracing the others. Most of the other survivors were bleeding, and some had no feeling or movement in some of their limbs. I stepped out of the cockpit, but stayed inside of the chopper. I looked around at the dead, not the survivors. They would return home. The others won't.


I rounded the Marines up, and loaded them into the chopper. I sat back down in the pilot's seat, and took off. "Hey, guys?" I asked the Marines. "Yea?" One of them came into the cockpit. "What happened to this pilot?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Good question." I looked forward, my eyes opening wide. "Holy fuck!" I stoo dup, and the chopper dropped to the ground. "Get out!" I yelled, and I heard a Japanese man begin laughing over the radio. "Am I dead, Jasan Brown?" He continued to laugh. "Damn that bastard!" I yelled, as I pushed the Marines out. "Who is he?" One of the Marine asked me. "A man named Nagusa. The bastard. I killed him though." The Marine shrugged. "Or not." I pushed him out, and checked for the others. I jumped, and the group ran into the forest. The chopper explodes behind us, tearing up the clearing. Smoke and dirt flew up in the air, as we were hailed on by bullets. Again. "Into the forest!" I yelled, and the group split.


I ran to the west, to the left of the ambushers, in their position to the south. I watched the group that head north suffer heavy damage. Most of their soldiers were injured by the time they reached shelter, and at least three were dead. Two men from the east group were injured, one dad, and no damage to my group. Suddenly, mines exploded in front of us, and one of our men was killed. Hundreds of mines exploded all over the forest, and a lot of men died. "Keep running!" I yelled, grabbing two men around me's wrists, and sprinting into the smoke. Guns erupted, and the bullets bounced all around me, and the five men behind me.


"Down!" I yelled, and the Marines dived onto the ground. A huge line of grenades and hidden mines exploded, tearing the ground up, and creating even more of a shield for anyone that would survive this ordeal. I jumped back up, waiting for the Marines to do the same. I reached for my hand gun, strapped to my pocket. "Shit!" I yelled. One of the Marines crawled over. "What is it, sir?' I turned away. "Don't worry. Keep moving!" The Marines jumped up, but not before a barrage of bullets swept across the trees. One of the Marines died instantly, as a bullet penetrated his skull. Another was paralyzed on the spot by a bullet splintering his spine. I held my gun at him. He nodded. I shot him, to end his life quickly, before the Japs tortured him. "Good to go?' I asked the others. They nodded. "Let's move!" WE began running again, an army of three Marines and an FBI agent.


We reached the edge of the forest, and a huge mountain loomed ahead of us. "Up!" I yelled. The other Marines had caught up with us, forming a group of 20 in total. "Losses?" I asked, over the roaring of Japanese guns and motors. began climbing, and reached a crevice. "30 roughly, sir."
"Fuck! We'll just have to keep moving."
The Marine nodded. "Or.." I began. "Follow me!" I got up, and ran down the mountain, carefully. One or two of the Marines tripped over rocks on the way down, and dust shot up behind them. Japanese guns blared at their position, killing them quickly.


I kept running, as bullets littered the path behind us. We re-entered the forest, leaving the Japanese clueless as to our whereabouts, temporarily. A Japanese sentry spotted us running, and opened fire on us. "Keep moving!" One of the Marines dropped to the ground, screaming, as blood flowed from his knee. He grabbed his gun, and shot the sentry. He then turned the gun on himself, and pulled the trigger. "Damn!" I yelled, as we moved along. We left the forest, as the Japanese vehicles plowed into it, smashing over trees, over turning rocks, and crushing the two bodies we left behind. A cliff loomed ahead.


"Jump!"Almost 30 Marines plunged over the cliffs, Japanese war vehicles noticing the cliffs far too late, and following us over. "Bend your knees!" I yelled, before we slammed into the water. I watched from under the water, as two huge tank like vehicles slammed into the water, killing several Marines, and slamming others in the rocks. I dived under the waves, and they threw me against the rocks. I grabbed the rock, as the waves pulled me back, and I let go. The salt water burned my scars, as I looked around, to find the Marines swimming over to me. I began swimming over to a msall boat, about a quarter of a mile out.


I grabbed the rungs of the ladder, hanging off the boat. They were slippery, and covered in algae. I climbed on board, and rolled. No guns were fired, and I waved the Marines up. They climbed board, and one threw me his pistol. I held it up, reaching for my drenched badge. I moved forward, making my way to the deck. So far, no-one. I gestured for five of the Marines to go to the back of the ship. Five men nodded, and ran around the back. "Umm, sir?" One of them yelled, as I reached the bow. "We have a problem." I turned around, racing through the other 10 Marines guarding the ladder.


I reached the back of the ship. " A bomb. A huge, fucking bomb." The Marine nodded. "Get back!" I yelled. One of the Marines grabbed my arm. "Don't shoot it. That's insane." I lowered my gun. "Fine." I ran back to the bow, and forced my way into the cockpit. "You can drive boats, sir?" One of the Marines asked me. I nodded.


I accelerated, and the boat gathered speed. The Marines grabbed onto nearby railings. I spun the boat around, and headed for shore. The bomb started beeping. "Sir!" One of the Marines yelled. " I can hear, it dumbass!" He nodded. I braced myself, as I readied to go diagonally across the sea, and slam into waves. "Brace yourselves!" The Marines grabbed whatever they could, as violent waves slammed into the boat. The small craft bounced off the waves, and it was thrashed around, being flung into the air. Rain began falling hard, as I tried with difficulty to control the craft. "Everyone up front!" All of the Marines ran up to the front of the boat. The bomb's beeping was louder, and more high-pitched and more frequent. "Bail!" I yelled, driving the boat as close to shore as possible. We were about half a mile out, as I pushed the engine to the limit.


We bounce over a few more waves, and the pitch of the bomb dropped out of hearing range. "How far out?" One of the Marines yelled. "About a quarter of a mile!" He nodded. "Marines! Wait for Mr. Brown, and then jump!" I nodded to myself, breathed in, and dropped a brick on the accelerator. The boat kept going, with no-one controlling it. I slammed the door open. "Jump!" I yelled, running to the edge of the boat, and vaulted over the railing. The Marines followed suit, as the boat sped away. It bounced over a final wave, and exploded, tearing itself to pieces from within, as two other explosion ripped the boat completely. "Three bombs. Three bombs." I repeated to myself. "Swim!" 16 men began swimming toward shore, as a small dinghy started to row over in our direction.


The dinghy reached us, and offered to get us too shore. I nodded, and the Marines swam beside us, switching in and out every few minutes. I eventually climbed out of the dinghy, switching with a Marine, and I swam a little out. The waves carried us further, aiding our mission to get to shore. I looked up, at a huge building, most probably a hotel. My expression then turned to horror, as the middle floors exploded in a cascade of glass, steel and wood. "Holy!" One of the Marines muttered. "To shore!" I yelled. We all swam for shore, as quickly as possible.


The moment I could touch the sand I began limbering through the water. My knees came clear, and I began running. Bodies littered the beach. There were almost 100 corpses. A few of them were police men, and one or two looked Japanese. They hadn't died without a fight. Or had they? I shook my head, and ran to the police corpse. He had two guns; a machine gun, and a handgun. I took both. The Japanese men were outfitted with weapons; grenades, pistols, shotguns, machine guns. "They didn't expect war." I said, looking at the police corpses; about 5 or 6 of them. The Marines nearest me nodded, solemnly. "But, we do."


We stormed up the street, guns at the ready, two grenades each. We reached the intersection, and the Japanese men greeted us. We opened fire immediately, as they dived behind cover. Their 50 men suffered losses of about 15 from bullets, as several grenades left Marine hands. They all exploded nearly simultaneously. Several Japanese bodies rolled out of hiding into the street, as bullets pelted their position. Several Marines moved into a flanking position, firing into the cover. The Japanese quickly surrendered, as we slew an entire flank. Seven men stepped out of hiding. I nodded. The Marines fired on them, and they died, almost instantly. I conducted a Marine head count. No losses. I smiled. 'Nagusa, I win." I thought to myself.


Huge buildings stood around us, and we knew Japanese militia were most probably inside. We kept moving, still in porcupine formation. "You nervous?" I asked, as a general question to all the Marines. Some nodded, others verbally responded, all their answers indicating they were. "Good. Means your instincts are turned on." They nodded. "Sir?" One of the Marines asked me. "What if we lose? You know, what if the Japs win, and we all die?" I looked ahead, staring blankly. "Then we take a shitload of them down with us." The Marines smiled. We neared a large office building. "in." I ordered, them, and we entered the building quickly and quietly, in single file. "Double file." The Marines folded into two lines, and I stood between the lines. Several bodies dropped out of the doorway, and gun shots resounded around us. "Fuck!" I yelled. The Marines nodded again. A Japanse man ran past the door, and I shot him down. "Up!"


The Japanese troops spun around, as 50 Marines tore their ranks apart with their own machine guns. One man tried to crawl away, and a bullet from my handgun pierced his brain. "Keep moving!" We heard the loud slamming of the footsteps of hundreds of men storm down the stairs. They must have emptied Japan, I thought to myself. "The desks!" The Japanese men stormed into the room, several seconds after an army of 50 Marines and myself had dived behind the desk, lying on our stomachs, guns ready. I nodded to the Marine next to me, and he yelled out. "Fire!' 51 machine guns opened fire across the floor, splintering the wooden desks, glass windows, and the flesh of Japanese legs. Almost simultaneously, the entire Japanese force screamed in pain, as the Marines jumped up, and pounded the Japs with even more bullets. At least one hundred Japanese men were killed in the first assault. "Down, to the left!" The Marines dropped to the ground, squatting, and started moving awkwardly to the left side of the building. We were two floors up. I stopped, reloaded my gun, and shot the window. It shattered, and I stood. "Move!" I yelled, and fired on the Japanese group. The Marines jumped out of the window, onto a now bustling street, filled with civilians, panicking and screaming. I kept moving backward, still shooting. One of the Japanese men grabbed his handgun, and fired, just as my bullets killed him. The bullet slammed into my stomach, and got lodged in my spine. I stepped back, and hit the street, the blood oozing from the wound.


I stood, as the Marines shoved through the crowd towards. "I'll be fine!" I yelled. "Spread out!" The Marines disbanded, spreading out amongst the crowds, losing their armour, and stowing their guns, so that they blended in. I ripped the Kevlar I stole from a Japanese man, and ran, covering my shirt. I held my gun in my hand still, hanging it at my side, ready to use. "Several people watched as I ran, staring in horror at the blood seeping out of my back. I kept running, and the Marines saw me running for the end of the street. They followed me, their guns lumbering around in their pockets. One of the Marines failed to hide his shotgun, and therefore had to carry it around. One of the Japanese snipers picked him off. The Japs suddenly noticed a pattern. Roughyl 50 men were running, all in the same direction, one carrying a gun. The Japanese militia then sprawled onto the streets, guns brandished, and opened fire. Hundreds of dead and injured civilians dropped to the ground. Silently, I reached the end of the street, and jumped behind the corner. One of the Marines stopped, urging people to follow him. Suddenly, the entire civilian cohort began running for the end of the street. The Marine stood his ground, urging everyone forward, as the Japanese guns focused on him. One hundred Japanese handgun bullet slammed into him before he dropped to the ground, dead.


"Keep moving!" I yelled over the roaring and yelling and screaming of the crowd over their loved ones. I sprinted forward, to the front of the cohort, leading the charge. The Marines forced their way forward also. 50 men leading a group of possibly thousands, considering the losses. We grabbed our guns, and charged forward, firing at any and every doorway. Hundreds of Japanese men collapsed under our barrage of bullets. "Split!" The Marines and I spilt into two groups, on either side of the road. The civilians caught on, and did the same. Suddenyl, I watched as cars slammed through the building on the opposite side of the road. The Marines on my side opened fire, as several vehicles exploded, from the grenades of several now dead Marines. Three vehicles rolled over to my side of the road, and the other two cars stopped, and the driver fired at us, killing one or two Marines. Suddenly, an army of Japanese men charged through the building opposite us. Thier bullets killed every person on the opposite side of the road. One of the Marines clutched his trigger thight, and yelled to me. "Sir!" I held out my machine gun in one hand and handgun in the other. "Take one fucking shitload of them down with us."


The Japs poured through the buildings wreckage. "My name, sir, is Simon. Don't forget me." The Marine said, in the final moments. The Japanese guns tore through everyone but Simon and myself. Several of the Marines, in their final moments threw grenades at the Japs. As the smoke cleared, I watched every person but Simon beside me collapsed, their bodies peppered with bullets. Simon dropped his gun, in pure shock. The Japanese foreces stopped moving, and I emptied my clip at them. I then dropped my machine gun, and hid my handgun. The Japanse army then continuted coming forward, and surrounded Simon and I. Several Japanese men came forward, and hit me to the ground. Then they shackled my hands, and dragged me away. "I will never forget you." I said, as I disappeared into the Japanese ranks. Simon sprinted away, down the street, and the Japanese army turned and walked away.


I sat now in a helicopter, my mouth covered and my hands and legs bound, and a thick rope tied around my stomach, attaching me to the seat. I shuffled around alittle, but it only made it worse. There was no one else in the helicopter, and my bullet wound had been cleaned and covered. The pain hadn't fully subsided. I thought back to the events prior to the chopper. I suddenly found myself dozing off.


As I was dragged away I looked around, and saw that many many Japanes men had been. hundreds, bordering on thousands. But then, they had no armour; just weak, stupid, measly little guns. It was merely there sheer numbers that had killed the Marines, and the attack by the cars. They dragged me through the broken glass, but my clothes stopped the glass cutting and slicing into me. Then they threw me into a car, my arms still bound, and I watched Simon run. I knew he wouldn't forget about me. That was all I could remember. I had been blacked out ever since.


I woke to find that we were up in the air, swooping over the highways. I looked at all the widespread destruction and death. "Horrific, isn't it, Mr. Brown." I shook my head. Nagusa sat in the front sea, next to the pilot. He was clutching his chest, where, I remembered, the knife had slammed into him. "But then, so are you, Mr. Brown." I yelled at him, my voice muffled through the cloth. He leaned back, and ripped it off. I bit his fingers, and he screamed. The pilot pulled a trigger somewhere, and a bullet shot past my head. I let go. "Bitch!" I yelled at him. He turned back, and faced the front. "You left me for dead. I survived; the knife only pierced my skin, no organs or muscles. "And you expect me to care?" I asked him. I began wriggling my wrists around. I will kill this man, I thought to myself. I kept my poker face on, and he kept talking, not paying any heed to me. "Mr. Brown, you should be dead. That army you fought in the forest was at least 500 hundred strong. " I nodded. "And with the help of 150 Marines, about 3 men each, not hard. And that aren't all dead, remember." He nodded in return. "True." He nodded to the pilot, turned back in his seat and knocked me out.


Simon looked back. The army turned back, and he watched as I was carried away amongst the dead. There was a car nearby, and he jumped in, the keys still inside.He turned the car on. "I won't forget you, either. Sir."


I woke up, again, in a straight jacket. "Welcome to three hours later." Nagusa said, in a failed attempt to humor me. I sat back, and again I was strapped into a seat, still in the helicopter. Thejacket only kept me warm in the already hot weather, and I was sweating heavily. We were on a bridge , and the pilot still sat in the front seat, still as ever. The chopper blades were spinning, meaning a quick stop. Nagusa nodded to a nearby man, and climbed back in. He nodded to the pilot, and sat down, kicking my knees. I groaned, and he smiled.


The chopper took off, and Simon came up speeding up behind us. He leaned out of the window, and freed a machine gun at the chopper. Nagusa flinched as the bullets ricocheted off the choppers plating. I sat smiled. Simon drove under us, and Nagusa leaned out of the window to see. We were low, and he was close. Suddenly, the chopper jolted back, and the bullets shattered the windscreen. Nagusa kicked it, and the entire pane of glass shattered, and collapsed onto the roads. Simon was ahead of us now. He leaned back inside the car, and dropped back, underneath the chopper. Nagusa grabbed a heavy machine gun, and fired, through the floor. I watched as a few bullets pierced the car's roof, ans Simon kept driving. The chopper dropped back, and down suddenly, and then forward, and it's left ski slammed into the car, picking it up by the roof.


Too lazy to read,

Why'd you comment then? :P

Well that was rude person above me don't post if you don't read it.
Anyways great still loving it.

Lol. Thanks man.

me like..

Very descriptive. :)

Wow you can write I wouldn't be able to right something this long. Still great though.

I haven't been able to normally, either. :P

Didnt bother readin it ahahahahaha :P
Nah its cool

A-hole. :P