View Profile ZeeAk
Gamertag: ZeeAk.

Zac @ZeeAk

Age 31, Male

Cinema usher.

Queensland University of Tech.

Logan, QLD

Joined on 3/7/06

Exp Points:
4,110 / 4,440
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.16 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

O'ahu Part 3

Posted by ZeeAk - September 14th, 2007

I watched in horror, as the helicopter lifted, and the car's roof buckled, but held steady. The chopper jerked forward then back, and I went with it. The rope rubbed against my skin hard both times, giving me a rope burn, but it snapped. I freed my hands, and opened up the straight jacket. "Adios!" I yelled, and jumped out of the chopper. I landed on the car, and it rocked. I slammed the window open, and covered my eyes as I entered. Simon was dead. His body was been crushed and run through when the ski smashed the car's roof. I dropped to my knees, and looked out ahead. The chopper was flying away from the road, and the car rocked as it turned. The roof buckled, and screeched. "Fuck.."


I sat in the seat, and the car continued to swing back and forward. The chopper flew over the coast, and head a few more miles out. It stopped suddenly, and the car jerked violently. The roof scraped and screeched some more, and Simon's body came loose, collapsing on the seat beside me. I moved to the back seat, and smashed the back window. The glass shattered, and I got ready to jump up. I chopper swung back, and the rook began to buckel, and crumple. The top end of the ski ripped through the roof, and the car tilted. The vehicle rocked at the same time, and I rolled into the back of the passenger seat. I crawled back up, and the car tilted again. I grabbed the back window lining, as the ski destroyed more of the roof. I poised, waiting for that single moment of sheer terror, as the car would drop into the ocean. Then, suddenly, the roof tore away, almost completely. But I waited still, with baited breath. There were single inches separating the car from complete annihliation.


The chopper flew higher, so that we were about 300 metres from the water. I grabbed the window lining still. The chopper backed off, a little, and swung forward. The roof buckled, and tore awaycompletely. I pushed forward, off the seat, and up into the air, as the car dropped. I leapt up, grabbing the ski. Nagusa looked down, as he saw the car slam into the water, and watched the body roll around in the car. "Mr. Brown is dead." He said, smiling. I climbed into the chopper, grabbed the gun in the back, and ripped it off the chain it was attached to. I thrust it up against Nagusa's head. "So are you. But, for real." I pulled the trigger, and the bullet sent his brains splattering across the chopper, and out of the shattered windscreen. I turned to the pilot. "Move!" I sat down in the co-pilot's seat, and waited for him to move, before jumping into the pilot seat. "Thanks." I said, nodding my appreciation, before I pulled the trigger on him, and he too collapsed into the water.


I flew out over the ocean a little more. There was a small boat below me, and I watched the pilot run into the cockpit. I laughed. Last time I did that, many people died afterwards. The pilot came back out, with a machine gun in his hand. I squinted to get a better look. Japanese. "Bastard." I spun around, as he started to fire at me. The bullets were weak, low calibre bullets, and caused minimal damage. I spun the chopper around the boat, and fired a few warning rounds into the water. The man returned fire, this time with more powerful bullets. The bounced of the steel plating of the chopper, and I kept spinning, not wanting to kill the man. He kept firing, and I had no choice. I opened fire on the boat, and it tore the small craft into pieces. The powerful bullets, usually used for killing masses of people quickly, or destroying buildings or streets were now slaughtering the craft. I looked beyond the sinking ship. And gasped.


I sat, suspended in shock, as a fleet of submarines emerged from the water, briefly, before submerging again. I flew forward, and one surfaced, and I opened fire. The bullets slammed into the submarine, and eventually pierced the hull. Seconds later, I fired a missile at it, and it tore the top of the submarine apart, and water spilled in. I watched as the Japanese men tried to evacuate through the porthole. I held the trigger down, firing into the escape route. I watched the Japanese men die, and eventually go down with the sub.


I turned the chopper around, and watched the subs come close to the shore. A police blockade had set itself up, and was apparently resisting fire, if my radio was correct. I flew toward them, grabbing my radio, issuing a warning. The police man on the other end affirmed, and I flew over, pushing the chopper to it's limits. Now, the war had begun.


As I reached the shore, I noticed the police were heavily entrenched, against a huge mass of Japanese forces, both in buildings and on the streets. I flew overhead, and the police began firing in a huge, single attack. I swooped low, aiming the blades at the ground. I switched the chopper to auto pilot, and it kept going along the ground, slicing up the Japs that didn't get the chance to move. I grabbed a nearby gun, and ran back to the police barriers. I watched as a missile tore it's way though the street, right into the helicopter's blades. The entire vehicle exploded on the Japanese militia. Hundreds of nearby men went flying, burning, dead, or dying. I grabbed a nearby phone, before vaulting over the barrier. I dialed the military. "We need backup." I said, and the man on the other end wrote something down. "When? How soon? Where?" I shook my head, cursing under my breath. "Now and now." I looked around. "Where, sir?" The man asked. I saw the street sign, and told him the street name. He laughed. "Liar." I stood up. "Oh, really?" I threw the phone on the ground, after switching it oo loud speaker. Suddenly, the Japanese men recooperated, and opened fire on us. "Down"! I yelled, and the police force ducked behind their cars. "Cease fire!" I yelled. Several men couldn't hear the order, and watched the rest of their comrades drop to the ground, as they were shot. "Understood." The man on the phone hung up.


A fresh round of grenades tore up the nearby tarmac. The Japs kept pushing forward, throwing rounds upon rounds of grenades. Almost twenty police men lay dead, and another twelve were wounded. Two of the police cars were burning and overturned, as I jumped up, firing my machine gun. I was rewarded with several cries of pain as I fell below the car once more. The Japs fired again, as bullets ricocheted off all the cars. Some of the police men started to retreat, clutching their wounds. One of the police rolled beside me. "Permission to retreat, sir?" He asked me. I spun around, looking out of the shattered car window. I fired once more, killing another Jap, but another took his place. The road was decimated, in most places giving way to the dry ground underneath. "No. Give me a grenade." I replied. The man looked at me, in shock, and handed me the grenade. "Get your men to move the cars together, and have the back-up as a cover-fire." I continued, as he looked behind him, watching the back-up arrive. At least 20 cars, carrying possibly 100 officers drove up. The officer nodded. "On my mark, go." I told him, as he ran back to the dwindling defense. He briefed them quickly, as another was killed by a stray bullet. I looked out through the window, firing once again. I had no to see what damage I had caused, and had to move.


Once the police had finished shifting the cars, I placed the grenade in the engine of an overturned car. "Run!" I yelled, as the Japs stopped finally, mere feet from the cars. I stood still, my gun aimed the grenade, looking at the Japs. "Come closer. I dare you." I teased, in Japanese. One of them sneered, watching the police get away. I stepped back, slowly, as he began to lead the Japs over, and onto the cars. I turned, pulling another grenade from my pocket. I turned to face them, priming the grenade. In a single motion, I spun around, and threw the grenade toward them, and it rolled up against the car. AS I ran off, I watched the grenade explode, detonating the other grenade, the police cars and the Japenese grenades the Japs had on them. My only sympathy was for the two buildings devastated so much they collapsed, upon the Japanese group.


The police had stopped, and were watching in amazement, as the two buildings collapsed, fire and smoke covering most of the scene. Now, hundreds of bodies, barely recognizable as human littered the street. A chopper flew over the building ruins, and I recognized it as the one that chased me off the Sheraton. I sprinted. "Move, move, move!" I yelled, and many of the police just stood, waiting for rescue. Th ones that followed me turned and shot at the chopper. The bullets pounded holes into the craft, and as it landed, some of the police ran over to it. One man attempted to climb aboard, as a bullet blasted through his head.


"Run!" I screamed, as the men near me turned and ran. The police at the chopper opened fire on it, killing one of the men inside. Suddenly, a barrage of bullets erupted from a mini gun in the chopper, slaughtering the police men. The chopper lifted off, leaving one police man to bleed to death, slowly. The police in the cars sped toward us. "Get in!" One yelled, as we clambered onto the back of the ute. I turned, and opened fire, shattering the windshield. The helo stopped for a split second, long enough for the rest of the police to follow my lead. Another barrage of bullets followed mine, as one of the police killed the pilot.


The chopper was angled dangerously low, it's blades slicing up the sand, only feet behind us. I shot the helicopter blades, and it spun around, throwing a man from the window. One of the police fired his pistol at the man, hitting his chest. One of the chopper blades it the sand, as the vehicle kept moving forward. The blade hit the sand once more, as did the helo's skis. The helicopter stayed suspended for a second, before toppling over, spinning around on the blades, thrashing sand about. Within moments the chopper exploded.


We kept driving along the beach, looking for any unmanned streets. We found a single one, almost half an hour after the chopper had been downed. A building about halfway down the street was empty, and I ordered the police to follow me. Bodies littered the street, as did bullets, and explosion debris. The police sprinted inside the building, only to find hundreds of bodies; the victims of a massacre. "Keep moving!" I warned, my gun strapped around my shoulder. I cocked it, just in case. I ran ahead, and climbed the stairs, reaching the second floor. I noticed an open elevator, staring at me, as I walked out of the stair case. I tapped a few of the men on the shoulder, and pointed toward the elevator. "Up." They followed me in, and I hit the button for the 20th floor. As the doors began to close, I watched in horror as Japanese men stormed up the stairs. "Fire!" I screamed, as I opened fire within the elevator. Two Japs dropped to the ground, dead, as the others opened fire with their pistols. Most of their bullet missed me, and the men with me in the elevator, but one landed a head shot on the man next to me.


The elevator door shut, right as I emptied my clip. The other man with me stood in the corner of the elevator, while I stood in the middle. We reached the 20th floor, as we heard a grenade tear the building apart. The elevator door opened, and Brain, the other police officer, and I stepped out. I looked out of one of the huge panes of glass encompassing the room. On the street, more police officers were trying to stop another advancing Japanese horde.


I watched as a Japanese man was shot, and he fell to the ground, clutching the trigger of his gun. The bullets slammed into the window, shattering it, as another Jap fired a rocket toward us. The missile missed me by a few inches, and slammed into the floor above me. The glass started cracking, as the floor above started to angle down, it's support weakened. I looked down at the buildings below; a scaffolding the closest structure. "Brian!" I grabbed his arm, as he ran next to me. "On my count, run, and jump onto that scaffolding. I'll cover you." He looked out at the scaffolding, swallowed and nodded.


He sprinted up, and jumped, sailing over the street, 20 floors below, as I opened fire, at the nearby buildings. Time seemed to come to a halt, as a sniper fired, from the floors above me. Brian landed on the scaffolding, as it buckled, and then the platform he was on split. The sniper fired again, and the bullet slammed into the back of his head, throwing him through the window in front of him, the blood splattering all around.


I ran toward the stairs, as the elevator door opened again, carrying as many Japs as it could fit. I turned around, and opened fire on them. Two of them stood at the window, looking out at the scaffolding, as my bullet slammed into them, and they fell to the ground. The other seven ran toward me. I grabbed a grenade from my pocket, and wedged it in the stair door, as I ran up the stairs. The Japs cluttered around the door, as the grenade exploded.


I reached the top of the stairs, as I heard gunshots twenty one floors below. On this floor, there were several bodies, and overturned furniture. A sniper emerged from the shadows, and aimed at me, smiling. I faced him, my gun ready to fire. The sniper cackled, and began to speak. "I will kill you before your finger pulls that trigger." He sn****red, as I backed away, against the window. "Yes, do." He taunted. "You will be dead before this island collapses." I shot a glance at him. "Collapses?" I asked, stunned. He nodded. "This island is set to explode in three days, starting midnight." He laughed. I looked down to the street below. I could jump, and land on one of the lower floors of a nearby building, the one Brian's body lay dead in. The sniper held the gun up. I smiled. "You said you could kill me before I shot. But can a bullet defy gravity?" I turned, and jumped out of the window.


The sniper ran to the window, and fired. The single bullet missed by head by a mere inch, and I spun around, cocking my machine gun. The sniper looked at me, horrified. I opened fire, and my bullets slammed into his gut, throwing him back, as he feel to his knees, and collapsed, his head poking out of the window.


I turned around, as I hit the wall of the building. The scaffolding was several feet away from me, and I pushed off the wall. I dropped my gun, as it plummeted to the street. I grabbed onto a piece of the wooden scaffolding, as it began tilting. I swung back, and it tilted back with me. I swore under my breath, swinging forward, trying to pull myself onto the wooden plank. The scaffolding creaked, instead of tilting, and I felt it shift immediately after. "Oh god." I said, as it began to fall.


I clambered onto the platform, standing on the side of it, as it slammed into the ground. I was thrown off the wood, as it splintered in thousands of pieces. The Japanese attack had been mostly quelled, at the cost of almost 100 lives, in a single street. Even innocent bystanders had joined in the defence for their homes, and the scaffolding landed on the Japanese survivors. I grabbed a nearby gun from the wreckage, as the Japanese recovered, slowly. I opened fire on anyone that showed their head, as the wood flew up into the air around me, and fell back down.


I sat in the back of the police car, surrounded by a vanguard, as I was driven to the police station, apparently wounded, but now heavily defended. The driver laughed as he continued his story. "Yea, and the Japs came forward, charging up at us. I fired with my gun, killing ten of them." I shook my head in the back seat, and he caught my reflection in the car mirror. "What? You don't believe me?" He asked, looking at my reflection. I smiled, and shifted my legs. "You didn't kill ten Japanese soldiers." He shrugged, peering once again out of the window. "How'd you know?" He asked me, expecting a simple answer. I chuckled. "It's not easy, living with murder. For two days, I've been running."
"Running from what?" He asked.
"Them." I said, looking out the window, as the police station came into view. Hundreds of bodies littered the streets, as the Japanese pushed forward. The building had been damaged severely, and I saw my father lying amongst the rubble. Blood was pooled around him. "Let me drive." I told the driver.


I sat in the driver's seat, clutching the steering wheel, as the police officer that had escorted me sat behind. The convoy had stopped, as the police left the cars, and piled onto the streets, firing upon the Japs. I revved the car's engine. "Feel free to get out." I teased. The cop behind me shook his head. "I'll go down fighting." He replied, and I nodded. "Good man." I accelerated, and sped toward the Japs, priming an explosive. The cop looked at me in horror. I sped past the police convoy, and into the Japs. I grabbed the machine gun in the seat next to me, stuck it up against the door and fired. Many screams and cries of pain and agony reached my ears, as I kept driving, eventually forging a path through the Jap army. An American chopper flew overhead, and opened fire with a heavy duty mini gun, inflicting heavy casualties.


I emptied the machine gun, as a rocket exploded from within the Japanese ranks, and slammed into the helicopter's side. The chopper spiraled out of control, and slammed into the ground, exploding on impact, killing several other people. I kept driving, through the path. Bullet splintered the car, but the bulletproof windows helped protect me and the cop. "What's your name?" I asked, yelling over the noise. He smiled. "Nick!" He called back. I nodded, and accelerated. A bullet slammed through the door, hitting my right thigh. I grunted in pain, as blood began to flow onto the seat. "Bitch!" I grunted, under my breath. I grabbed the wound, blood covering my hands quickly. "Shit!" I yelled, as a Jap jumped in front of the car. My natural impulse was to stop when I hit him, and I did. The Japanese soldiers quickly surrounded the car. Nick dropped to the floor of the car, priming another explosive. "You get out. I'll stay behind." He said to me, as I was dragged out of the car.


A soldier grabbed my hair, and threw me onto the ground, and another started dragging me along the ground on my knees. Blood flowed down my leg, and onto the ground, as the bitumen grazed my knees, before I fought to stand. I turned around, to see the Japs reach into the police car, almost twenty yards behind me. Nick's head popped out, before he activated the bomb. I looked away, as the Japs around him were incinerated. The car exploded into flames. I looked down at the explosive in my hand, and wrapped int up in my shirt, following the Japanese soldier in front of me.


The soldier behind me tapped my shoulder, and I spun around, the blindfold covering my eyes. I was standing, but I couldn't see. The soldier punched me in the face. I fell onto one knee, as another kicked my stomach. I was bleeding in a lot of places. Bruises covered my face; I could feel it. My knees were weak, and blood covered them. Most of my body was strapped up, covering many bruises, and a few scars. I felt a piece of wood hit my knee, and I fell onto my hands.


A seat slammed into the back of my knees, as the Japanese soldiers held me up. They dropped me onto the chair, and it rocked backwards. I kept my feet planted on the ground, and stayed upright. I heard a door swing ajar, and then slam shut, a few seconds later. A rough hand grabbed my blind fold, and ripped it off. I looked around, and saw several armed Japanese soldiers standing in the corner of the blood-soaked room. As my vision returned properly, I saw a man that was vaguely familiar. "Remember me, Mr. Brown?" I smiled. "Of course I do. Nagusa."


Nagusa sat down, on a leather recliner he had brought in. We were sitting a white room, surrounded by Japanese soldiers. Nagusa pulled a hand gun from his pocket, and stood. He removed a machine gun from his trenchcoat, aiming at the soldiers. He spread his arms wide, and opened fire. Spinning around completely, he stopped firing, and dropped both guns. All of the soldiers dropped to the floor, dead. Nagusa frowned, and grabbed my hair, throwing me onto the floor, not noticing where his handgun fell. He rolled me over, and faced the wall. He grabbed another gun, and pointed it behind him, right at me. "Don't move." He commanded, his voice chilling the air. I shifted my arm slightly, dragging it back behind my body. Nagusa stayed staring at the wall, a tear forming in his eye. "You fucking bastard!" He screamed at me. "You killed my brother!" He continued. Turning to face me, he asked a single question. "Any last words, bitch?" I shook my head, still lying on the floor, holding the gun slightly to my side, under the folds of the bandages. "No." I replied, and he cocked the gun. "Good." He aimed, ready to fire. I smiled, slightly. "What!?!" He spat, noting my smile. My reply was simple. "Yippee ki yay, mother fucker."


Nagusa turned to face me, as I pulled the trigger. The bullet left the gun, and sliced against my skin, leaving a red, bloody scar. Continuing, the bullet tore through my shirt, and hit Nagusa in the temple, as blood sprayed out all over the floor. I stood, as pain overcame my leg, and I fell back onto the floor. Blood was pooled all around me, and covered most of the room, as I was surrounded the Japanese soldiers Nagusa had killed, and Nagusa's body. A chopper flew over the building. It began to lower itself, as guns erupted from either side. Many rockets were fired, but all missed. More guns erupted, as the I noticed that the chopper was American. I heard a nearby whistling sound, becoming more and more high-pitched. I looked past the chopper, as I clambered into a corner. A fighter plane zoomed past overhead, offloading several missiles. One struck the Japanese soldiers surrounding the building. The others slammed into nearby buidlings, as steel and glass erupted into the air.


The chopper landed, as almost one hundred Marines bailed out. The chopper took off, sailing over the building, the pilot the only man inside. A rocket flew up and hit the chopper, as the guns opened fire automatically, not aiming. The Marines charged out of the building, as the chopper spiraled, guns stilled firing. The helo slammed into the ground, exploding. The guns fired until their final moments, killing one or two of the Marines. "Move!" Another yelled, as they pushed through the door, machine guns firing, some firing off their rockets. Other pushed forward with riot shields, holding their position. "It's suicide!" I yelled to them, as they stood, their numbers dropping slowly. One of them turned to face me, sadness overcoming his facial features. "We weren't sent here to survive." A bullet quickly ended his life, as grenades rolled under the riot shields, all exploding simultaneously.


"Fuck!" I yelled, as the Marines bodies flew into the air, distracting the Japanese soldiers just enough for me to escape. I grabbed two riot shields, and sprinted, tearing up the scabs on my legs as I ran. Blod began seeping down my legs once more, as I broke free of the Jap army, bullets bouncing all around me, deflecting the others with the riot shields I had. I kept running, and as I turned the corner, dropped the riot shields, and kept running. Pain overcame my body, and I slipped into an alley. A dog was huddled up at the end, and I slowly walked over, hushing it, as it barked at me. I knelt next to it, blood pooling around my knees a little. The dog winced, as I stroked it's blood-dried fur. The dog had suffered. "You and me both." I whispered to it, lying on my side next to it, and fell asleep.


I woke to the dog barking, a gun laying at it's feet. I crawled over to it, stroking it's fur. The dog smiled, and lay down. I grabbed the gun, and began walking out of the alley. Only then did I realise it was raining, as the water mixed with my wounds, stinging, but cleansing them, washing away the blood. A group of several Marines past me, and I began to follow them. The dog scampered after me, and I knelt beside it, stroking some more. The Marines rounded the corner, lobbing several grenades, and opening fire. Behind me, a small SWAT team carrying two riot shields followed them. One of the Marines dropped to the ground, clutching his chest, trying to crawl over to me, his eyes huge with pain. Blood was pooling around him. The dog ran forward to him, and I watched in horror as the dog was shot. It's limp form was thrown through the air by the force of many machine gun bullets that hit it.


I ran forward, clutching the poor animal's body. The blood covered my hands, as I stood, gently lowering the body onto the street. I held the gun up, and looked beyond the two Marines still standing. A group of about twenty Japanese soldiers was running toward us, their numbers rapidly declining. I fired the gun, and a single shot came out, and I pulled the trigger again, but nothing. "Shit!" I yelled, throwing the gun at the Japs. It fell just short, and I grabbed the gun of a dead Marine. I fired at the Japs once more, as a car accelerated behind them, plowing through them, toward us. "Move!" I yelled, rolling out of the way. The car hit the Marines, killing them both instantly.


I ran, as the car skidded on it's side. I fired at it, killing the passenger. The driver accelerated. The car was right behind me, when I jumped. I landed awkwardly on the car's windshield, as I fired at the dashboard. I broke all the dashboard's gauges, and hit the axle underneath the car. I rolled onto the roof, and hit the spoiler at the back of the car. It ripped off, slamming into the road, as we accelerated to 80 MPH. Jumping now would be suicide. I held onto the roof with the tips of my fingers, as the pain of being dragged ripped through my body, and I thought I was being slaughtered. I pressed my gun against the back window of the car, and shot. My bullet killed the driver, as hi leaned forward, his head hitting the steering wheel, and sfalling off the side, spinning the wheel, and in turn, the car.


I lost my grip, and flew onto the trunk. My gun pulled from my grip, and rolled onto the road. The dead man's foot was still on the accelerator. The car began skidding, and started to tilt onto two wheels. "Shit!" I yelled, as a building loomed up ahead. I pulled myself back onto the car, as the vehicle fell onto two tires. Blood began seeping from my wounds, when the cars' tires exploded, and we flipped. I held on for a single second, before letting go. I hit the tarmac hard, grunting in pain. I watched the car hit the ground, the windows shattering, and metal tearing. The car bounced, a huge crunching sound wrenching the atmosphere. I clutched my ears, unable to hear as the car slammed into the building, and exploded.


I stood, the pain racking my body as I did so. The rain was getting heavier, and began to sting me, as I limped slowly, and painfully, away. I reached another ally, with an old umbrella, still intact, lying in the corner. I covered my bruised and bloody face, and lay beneath the umbrella. I spent the waning hours of the day beneath it, watching the rain slam into the ground. I heard several gunshots, of the period of hours I lay silently. Search and rescue groups frantically began searching the streets, looking for survivors of the Japanese attack. I watched the first team run past the ally, and stop, looking, seeing my body, and assuming I was dead. I smiled to myself, and dozed off to sleep.


I woke several hours later, feeling slightly refreshed, my legs locked up. A search and rescue team had just entered the alley, as I began to stand. They ran forward, and grabbed my arms, holding me up, as my legs gave way. I stood once more, leaning on one of the team, as we left the alley. Hundreds of bodies had been collected, some of them still living men. "Shit!" I groaned. "How many miles are these bodies from?" I asked. The team member I was leaning on looked at me, saddened. "Not even one. These were in just six blocks." He responded, mumbling at the end, trying to forget it. I nodded, remembering when Nagusa shot the Japanese soldiers. The memories came flooding back to me, for an unexplainable reason. That, I remember the sniper, and his apocalyptic words. "Three days!" I yelled, suddenly.


The rescue team member's grip weakened, as I stood by myself, the strain difficult to bear, but I knew I had to fight to save the island. The Japanese don't make hollow threats. "How long has it been, since that skyscraper collapsed?" I asked. The rescue team thought for a second, and one of them responded, bluntly. "A day." I nodded. "Good."


Behind me ran two Marines, who had survived the slaughter fest. Dry blood covered most of their faces, cleared only around their eyes, nose and mouth. Around us, bodies were piled. Almost one million people must have died. At least. The two Marines clutched their machine guns, as we rounded a corner. "They'll have left the island." I said, poking around the corner, the street empty apart from death. An eerie atmosphere covered the entire island. I saw the water several minutes later, and we were surrounded by boats. "Shit!" I yelled, hiding. The two Marines followed my lead, as we spotted a nearby car. Suddenly, a plane flew overhead, dropping several bombs. A man left the building opposite us, the only sign of other life. I looked up at the plane, carefully watching It was a US plane, attempting to clear the streets. At least I knew that the military base was safe. "The base is safe." I muttered. One of the Marines sheltered behind several bodies, as the man was killed in the blasts. "It better fucking be." The other nodded. I leaned against the wall, watching the man's body. "Collateral damage."


I broke free of the shelter, dodging the potholes in the street. "Run!" I screamed, as several Japanese men broke their own cover, bullets missing us by inches. A grenade landed in front of me, and I stopped, turning around. One of the Marines opened fire, forcing the Japs to hide. "Cover fire!" He yelled to me, as I ran to the building with the other Marine. The Marines covering us kept firing until we were safe. He began running, as I opened fire from the doorway. The three of us ran further into the building, finding a large conference lobby-like room. Three chairs were over turned. "Behind them!" I ordered, and we ran behind them, using them a shields.


Two Japs stormed into the room, as we opened fire on them. Bullet proof armor covered their chests, and helmets protected their faces. I shot one in the knee, setting my gun to single shot. Blood exploded from the wound, as the soldier dropped to his other knee, and I shot the top of the helmet continuously. I shot the other soldier in both feet, and he dropped to the floor, unable to stand. I stood, pressing my gun against the soldier with the wounded knee's neck. The two Marines removed their helmets, and one of them aimed at the second Japanese soldier.


We grabbed both men by the hair, and dragged them out, whimpering behind us, onto the street. We held our guns up in the air, as we stepped onto the beach. The Japanese men in the boat directly in front of us, all clambered to the front. I pressed my gun against the neck of my hostage. "Is that ALL of them?" I asked in Japanese, still looking out to sea. He nodded, sweat pouring from his brow. "It's not, is it?' i asked, bluntly. He shook his head, and I pressed the gun harder, my finger hovering over the trigger. "How many more?" I asked. "Two." I threw him face down into the sand, my gun against his back. "Call them out."


The two men sprinted to the bow of the boat, as my hostage cried out. "Fire." I said, and the Marines began to fire upon the boat. The Japs stood no chance, and they all dropped dead. One of the Marines threw his hostage on the ground, and cuffed him. "Cuff mine." I said, and began to walk toward the boat, strapping my gun to my back. "Come, wade." I said, wading toward the boat. The two Marines raced to the water, splashing wildly. I began to swim, my foot brushing against something. I grabbed some goggles hanging from my pack, and pressed them against my face, and swam down. It was a hand, poking up from the sand. I clawed away at the sand, and pulled a drowned corpse up. I saw more, and resurfaced.


I showed the two Marines, letting the body lie on the water. "There's more below, at least one hundred. This is for them."


Wow how long is this going to be? It's amazingly long. But it's still great.

Long as it needs to be. :)

i just caught up. very nice. amazingly long, i have to say. if you give a shit, i made a new story with a large chapter. read it!

Ohk. :)

hell yeah, you updated it!

Hell yeah, I did.

Why make it so long man its silly :P

Dude, it's supposed to be long.

I'm gonna turn it into a book, hopefully.

damn, you really go the extra mile when you update it, don't you? loved it though, especially the part where Naagusa comes back.

I really wanted him to finally die.

That, and I wanted to put the las t two lines in that bit in there.

very nice.

'Tis. :D