View Profile ZeeAk
Gamertag: ZeeAk.

Zac @ZeeAk

Age 31, Male

Cinema usher.

Queensland University of Tech.

Logan, QLD

Joined on 3/7/06

Exp Points:
4,110 / 4,440
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.16 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

The Redesign Battle Part 1

Posted by ZeeAk - July 19th, 2007

I sat at the edge of the Portal, watching as brand new submissions were coming through, holding my blam gun, ready to fire. Penboy came up behind me. We looked over at the Submission Factory. It was working overtime. That could either be a good thing, or a bad thing. Penboy sat down to, and he continued to stare at the Portal. It was so new. So damn new. I told Penboy, and he nodded.

Suddenly, the Submission Factory went silent. I looked over at it, and Penboy stood. I held my blam gun up, finger on the trigger.

Penboy pointed to the tunnel that connected it the Portal. A tiny file was lying stationary.

I jumped up, and we ran forward. The brand new Portal was somewhat difficult to navigate, considering it's being new. Plus, the polished floors didn't help. There were only a few submissions zooming past us, and I took a quick shot at one, and it collapsed onto the Portal floor, and it's obituary was created. We kept running, and watched as the tunnel leading to the Submission Factory was disconnected, leaving us stranded. We watched in horror as potential submissions fell into the abyss that was the Old Portal.

Penboy couldn't handle it. Beign the higher level, he grabbed his chains from his back, and moved slowly forward. I grabbed my whip, and followed him, silently. We looked down. Something exploded, emitting masses of power and energy. The New Portal shook. Penboy fell to the ground, trying to recooperate. I looked back over.

"Holy shi-"

I jumped back, mouth agape, as I watched the thousands of dead Old Portal entries swarm from the depths of Newgrounds. Penboy stood, and grabbed his chains with both hands. I fried my blam gun. Nothing. The dead entries took it. Penboy jumped forward, swinging with his chains. Several entires collapsed, permanently destroyed. "Help!" I sceamed, as Penboy fought alone to protect the New Portal. He was sweating, and his muscles were tired and sore. I handed him ym whip, and he swung with both hands, desperately trying to stop the approaching hordes.

I sprinted to the edge of the New Portal, and peered up the cliff. "Help!" emochild ran over to the cliff's edge. He grabbed his flick knife, and ran towards Penboy. "emo?" I heard from over the cliffs. Basspro55 came forward, and watched in horror and dead submissions began crawling over the edges of the abyss. emochild was already with Penboy, fighting off the hordes. Basspro55 jumped onto the polished new floor, and sprinted to help his allies, and friends. Penboy dropped to the floor, sweat dripping from his forehead, dehydrating!

SHIT came to the cliff's edge, where he saw my screaming for help. He pulled his lollipop from his pocket, and ran to Penboy's aid. I looked back at the cliff. A shiny piece of mettal and leather flew across the Portal. Rebel-V-Elite bounded from the cliff face to retrieve his wrist band. By now the hordes were being pushed back, but not far enough.

Six of us couldn't hold them for much longer. We needed reinforcements. Now.

I ran back over to where the battle was taking place, and found Penboy re-energised, and fighting, and SHIT falling back, to help the other tired fighters. We needed everyone we could get.

"Hold the line!" I ordered, and immediately, the submissions charged forward. Penboy bought the five fighters into a line. They stood there, swinging their weapons, adn holding back the dead Portal entries.

"This is our Newgrounds!" 749-Pi charged into the hordes of submissions, nkocking them all over the Portal. The-Swain followed him, more carefully, picking off those few who passed our lines.

I saw Matt come up with his two sais, aiming for The-Swain. I grabbed my whip from Penboy, who resumed single handed fighting.I swung at Matt, and caught him in the air, as he jumped for his intended victim. My whip wrapped around his ankle, and I pulled him back. He landed hard on the dirty surface between the two Portals. I spun around, dragging him with the whip. In mid-air, he sliced the whip, and went flying. I watched as he dropped his two weapons, and was fung into the abyss of the Old Portal.
"SHIT!" I yelled, as he ran to my side. "Do your thing."

He strode forward, twirling his lollipop in the air. He slammed it into the ground, and knelt, smiling. The ground cracked, and all the Portal's defenders moved back, as a single bridge was formed, and the surface between the Portals fell away. He stood again, pulling his weapon from the ground. You shall not pass."

SHIT held his lollipop in front of himself, smiling. To Penboy and I, it was as if he was beckoning for the submissions to attack him. Severeal dead entries rushed forward. SHIT slammed his lollipop back into the ground. "I already told you. Your not passing." He smeered, smiling still.

The ground shook a little. "That could be bad.." I said. SHIT's smile disappeared. The dead entires all fell back. He all watched in utter silence. The ground shook again, more violently than before. SHIT's bridge cracked. "SHIT!!" I yelled. He turned to face me, expressionless. "Oh god..."

Penboy stepped forward, the chains leaving tiny scratches on the surface of the New Portal's floor. El-Duego came sprinting down the cliff face, ready for action, followed by Hardcoded Ham.

I turned to face the defenders. SHIT stood, facing me, preventing the contamination of the Old Portal from reaching us. "Move the ruins of Old Newgrounds to this area, create a chokehold."

I turned to SHIT. "How long can you hold it for?"
"Few hours."
"Good. It's time to roll."

SHIT stood dutifully, holding back the amassing hordes of dead flash.

I sat at the bottom of the cliff, waiting for more reinforcements. I heard the shuffling of feet overhead, and watched as Slapdamonkeyaz, FluffyBunnyMan and Splurda jumped onto the New Portal's surface. I looked around, as they approached me. Only now I wish we hadn't used those blam guns so much. The bleeding corpses of thousands of fresh submissions littered the surface.

Everything was moved, and in position. We had two huge pillars blocking off most of the New Portal's surface, protecting it from possible harm. Penboy walked over to me. "We are done."
"Good." I replied. "Gather everyone around."

I stood, encircled by the Portal's brave defenders, and addressed them. "The Portal is everything. The capital of Newgrounds. Without it, NG would crumble. We would be left with nothing. This has hapened ONCE before. And it will not happen again! Rise, warriors."

craigalan slipped off the cliff, and landed near me. We shared a moment of looking at each other, before I helped him up. "Rise."

craigalan drew his glove, Rebel-V-Elite his wrist band, Basspro55 his black, quartz nunchuks, ny whip, as too with Hornby's. 749-Pi fitted his glove to his hand. SHIT stood at the bridge, raising his hand in agreement. emochild sharpened his flick knife, and The-Swain polished his knuckle busters. Penboy grabbed his chain, and swung it over his head. Hardcoded-Ham punched the air, with his bare fists, while Hitman threw his flick knife skywards, catching it again. Kuro slammed his chain on the ground, and whipped with it. El-Duego slipped his boxing glove on. FluffyBunnyMan's rusted iron weapon was brandished. Piss rubbed his hand gently over his sharp, pointed knuckle spikes.
Slapdamonkeyaz held his knuckle busters high, and Splurda practicec his fighting skills.

We were ready.

"Guys!!" SHIT yelled. I turned to look at him.

Blood was dripping from his nostrils from the effort. "Dr34m3r!" Penboy called. I looked in his direction, and followed where he was pointing. "Oh my god!" The dead submissions were charging SHIT. "SHIT!!"

It was too late. The submissions, and old entires slammed into SHIT's shield, and shattered it. The thousands upon thousands of entires poured over the dead soldier's corpse, and tore it to pieces.

SHIT's lollipop fell from the bridge, and tumbled into the Old Portal. Penboy and I watched in horror. "Charge!" I screamed, running forward. I was swinging my whip over my head, and smashed into the Old Portal's ranks. My whip smashed one of the entries head on, shattering it's simple form. Penboy rushed to my aid, and swung madly. His chain cracked like lightning, as it rent submissions in two, and split them down the the middle.

Splurda, Qweety, Slapdamonkeyaz, Piss and Hardcoded Ham vaulted the small barricade, and smashed into the horde. Slapdamonkeyaz was slashed, and thrown aside, reeling in pain, his arms torn open, and leg ripped off. Piss spent the rest of his precious life watching Slapdamonkeys flying through the air, until the horde devoured him. His neck was broken, and his throat slashed. The body simply collapsed.

"Pull back!" I shouted. Qweety ran toward the barricade, but was stopped just before he could reach it. I stretched out ym whip, and struck down two submissions. This gave Qweety the time he needed to reach us. "Hardcoded!" I screamed. "Where's Splurda?" Hardcoded Ham began sprinting back, carrying a body on his shoulders. I winced as I saw what had become of the body.

"Tonight, you dine in the Old Portal, you dead bastards!" I looked behind me. JediKiller1, with his glove on, jumped into the middle of the horde. His shockwave sent those near him flying up into the air. "Jedi!" I yelled. "Get back here." JediKiller1 ignored me. "This is my town."

I watched as Hardcoded-Ham brought back the lifeless corpse of SHIT. "Quick!" Hardcoded jumped the barricade, as Penboy and I lashed away at the attackers. Then I saw something.

It was mine. An old Flash, that I submitted to the Old Portal. That hurt me alot. iI stopped attacking as it came closer. But it was evil now. It was trying to kill me. I couldn't.. couldn't do.. do it. I couldn't bring myself to kill it, even if I was threatened. Penboy followed my gaze. He lashed out with his chain, and shattered the old file. Permanently. My hold was broken, and I was dazed. I heards creaming come from the cliff top. "They will never take our Portal!!!" Vikram-V flew off the cliff, and landed right in front of the barricade, swinging his axe. Many dead submissions fell at his hands. e-lord and POIZIN followed Vikram-V into the battle. JediKiller1 watched as the three freidns plummeted into battle. He began to run, but his leg was caught, and slashed. "Argh!!" He screamed.

His calf muscle was torn and bleeding. He dived for the barricade, but slammed against it. Penboy reached over, and gradbed his collar, as Vikram-V killed the flashes trying to kill him.

I watched as the horde kept growing. But, I had an idea. And I would need everyone.

Penboy!" I shouted, as he ran back to me. "We have to cut our way through. Now." Penboy nodded.

He sprinted back over to the weary men. "Get the bodies!" Hardcoded Ham gave the body of SHIT over to me. "Everyone! Follow my lead!" I jumped onto the barricade, whipping and slashing at the dead entries. Penboy followed me, carrying the body of Splurda. "Someone! Get Slapdamonkeyaz!" Penboy ordered.

Vikram-V sprinted for the area where Slapdamonkeyaz was thrown. His moans were still fairly audible, making the task somewhat easier. His axe was busy swinging, cleaving through several stupider, unlucky entries. One submission grabbed his axe, and began crawling up it, carefully.

Vikram-V was shaking his arm intensely, trying to pry the climbing dead submission off. It wasn't doing anything. "Damn!' He said too himself. He continued to swing at attacking flashes, to no avaiul. "Screw this!" He said, throwing the axe forward, and into a wall. The dead submission on the axe slaughtered; the axe sliced straight through it, and Vikram jumped. He hit the wall, and grabbed his axe, and pushed off, sailing through the air.

Slapdamonkeyaz watched as Vikram ran toward him, only to jump away, until he hit the wall. The strong man landed, and rolled, army style, swinging his axe as he came up. He jumped over to Slapdamonkeyaz, and grabbed him up with one hand. Vikram began runnign again, swinging his axe wildly. Slapdamonkeyaz attacked when and where he could.

ManMadeKing jumped down the cliff, and ran over the barricade, weakly finger laser-ing the submissions. Penboy jumped back to help him. "Damn!" I yelled.

They were poruing over th bridge too quickly. We neede everyone in one spot. "Pull back!" I ordered, and everyone began running back.

Vikram-V, with Slapdamonkeyaz, jumped over the heads of some of the sbumissions, and resumed his endless run-slaughter mission.

The submissions watched as their tragets regrouped to hit them hard again. The submissions pulled back tot he bridge, leaving hundreds of metres between the two armies. The enemy had onyl taken three casualties. That wasn't enough.

The submissions fell back once more, across the bridge. I watched them turn their backs, and we feigned to fallback. Quietly, I leaned on the barricade and issued a single command. "Charge."

Quickly and quietly, the Portal's brave defenders climbed the barricade, placing the wounded and dead behind it, sheltering them. I was beginning to feel stronger. It was s trange sensation. Suddenly, my whip exploded in a burst of white light. I was thrown backwards, smashing hard against the cliff leading to the other areas of Newgrounds. The cliff collapsed, and three new defenders ran forward. BrAddErZ958 ran down, followed promptly by hijackreaper. kingdarkeyes followed them both down the cliff. kingdarkeyes' lollipop reminded me immediately of SHIT. He was a brave man.. Lost?

I looked over to where the dead and wounded had been lying, and saw them standing, weapons at the ready. I also noticed that Penboy and the others had reached the bridge. "Charge!" I screamed, looking for my whip.

Slapdamonkeyaz began rushing, as his arm was enveloped by a white aura, and regenerated. Splurda's body was healed, as he stopped limping, and began full out sprinting. SHIT stood, and walked over to me. "Hello. General." He turned, and ran for the dead submission army. "hijackreaper, BrAddErZ958, kingdarkeyes? Let's roll."

kingdarkeyes, BrAddErZ958, ManMadeKing and myself stepped over the barricade. "You ready?"

"Wait!' i turned around. Diphallia rolled down the path I had left in the cliff, and onto the New Portal floor. "Come on Diphallia. Let's go." The five of us sprinted toward Penboy and the other defenders, who had stopped about ahlf-way across the bridge, hiding. Diphallia, kingdarkeyes, BrAddErZ958, myself and ManMadeKing ran past Penboy, and trhoguh the other defender's ranks. "Charge!" I screamed, as we all, 28 of us, ran for the army of hundreds of thousands. Penboy's, Kuro's and my chain slashed through many of the dead submissions, permanently deleting them.

"Stack the bodies!" I ordered, as Penboy, Kuro and I stood at the forefront of our men, slashing with our whips. Hardcoded Ham began stacking the piles and piles of dead submissions nearby, while craigalan and The-Swain ran back and started piling up the dead we killed earlier.

At the same time, Basspro55, Hornby, emochild, Hitman, FluffyBunnyMan, Vikram-V, e-lord, and POIZIN jumped toe forefront, with Penboy, Kuro and I.

Hardcoded Ham ran up behind me. "General, we're done the stacking!"

"Good. Get the rest of the defenders behind the-." Mario5789 rolled down the cliff to the Portal as well, and ran over. I looked around. "We need something more powerful." I said, still swinging my chain. " Mario5789 overheard me. He and Hardcoded Ham looked around, while kingdarkeyes, Piss and Splurda helped the other defenders get behdin the stack of bodies.

Mario5789 tapped my shoulder. "Sir. I found it."

I looked at Mario5789. "Look." It was huge. A turret. A blam turret. "Good job." Everyone! Pull back. SHIT!"

"Yes, sir?"
"Just for you." He stepped forward again. SHIT satbbed his lollipop back into the ground, and formed the shield once again. Everyone gathered around SHIT, holding their weapons. "Charge!" Penboy leaped into action, leading 27 brave defenders into battle. I ran toward the blam turret, used for raids and spammers. I lashed out with my chain, and grabbed the turret's barrel, and flipped onto the seat.

"Show time." I turned the turret on. But it didn't work. "Damn." I pulled my chain back toward me. I tried again. Still nothing. I looked over at the battleground. Penboy was leading a quick skirmish. Vikram-V jumped onto the back of the turret. "Vikram?" I asked. "Yep. Let's get this baby going."

I fired it up again. It flashed to life. "Let's go." Vikram-V ran towards Penboy and the defenders. "You first." He winked.

I followed Vikram-V with the turret, and looked over at Penboy. "Oh my god.." The dead submissions were piling on top of each other, and jumping on the defenders. Penboy's chain was swinging around, through the air, knocking submissions flying around everywhere.

I jumped from the blam turret, and called out to Vikram. "Vikram! Wait!" He couldn't hear me. "Dammit!" I chased after him. He reached the bridge, and jumped onto the pile of dead submissions. "Vikram!" I called again. He turned to face me.I stopped running. "Pull everyone back, off the bridge. I have an idea." Vikram jumped off the front of the pile, and ordered for Penboy and the defenders with him. Everyone heard the command, and sprinted back, defending themselves as they went. Penboy stopped at the pile of bodies we stacked. " I'll do it!" I yelled to him, running for the gun. He nodded, and sprinted back.

I jumped into the turret seat. The submissions were slamming against the barricade of bodies we stacked. "Die!" I fired the gun. It's huge, powerful guns opened fire immediately. The bridge was hit hard. It's sides were battered and smashed, and the body pile we created was set alight from the plasma bullets. The submissions began to burn, as I decimated their front line. I aimed for the bridge once again, and continuted my barrage. Beep. Beep. "Oh, god no." The blam turret was low on energy. Once it's energy was expended, it would explode.

I jumped outta the turret seat, and attached a line piece of cable to the trigger. I pulled it lightly, and it fired. The bridge finally gave way, and the hundreds of dead submissions on it fell into the Old Portal's abyss.

I turned my head away from the blast, and pulled the trigger, accidentally, expending the last of the turret's energy. The seat exploded, and the barrels themselves flew through the air, as the remainder of the turret burst into vicious tongues of flame. The cable burned. I watched the turret barrel spiral through the air, and land in the gap between the two Portals.

I stopped, and stared, as floods of dead, blammed submissions, swarm across the turret wreckage, over to the New Portal.

"Why now?"

I stood behind the turret's burning barrle, and watched as countless sawrms of dead, failed submissions crawled across it, towards me. "Penboy!" I shouted. He loked over at me, from the ruins of the bridge. Then he nodded, and sprinted towards me. Chain in hand.

The others stood and watched, shaking their heads. "They'll never survive." hijackreaper looked at them. "Huh? But.. we....we..didn't we?"
"Yes, we fought with them, but that was all of us, not just two. Two will never be able to beat back that entire force. Let alone defeat it."
hinjackreaper's mouth was wide open. "Fine. But you never said anything about three."
hijackreaper slid his wristband onto his wrist, and followed Penboy.

"Ah!" I screamed, as the submissions surrounded me. I was standing in the middle of the barrel. It was extremey unsteady, but I couldn't unlodge it. And that would kill me. One fo the submissions hit me in the back, and I fell. "Argh!" My nose was bleeding, and I tried to get up, but I was pushed down. One of the submissions came forward, and stood over me. It smiled, evily, grinning to itself. "Time to d- Augh!" I watched a huge metal chain smashed it head on. The submission split in two, and went flying. I looked around, and saw Penboy standing near me, holding off the impending forces. Then I saw it. A green, glowing rod. A fusion reactor.

"Down!" hijackreaper sprinted next to Penboy, and beganto attack the submissions. He looked at me, lying on the ground. I got up, slowly, and began attacking again, wiping the blood fom my nose. I ran back to Penboy and hijackreaper, and began swinging my chain around. "Guys!" I puffed. "I... have... had an.. idea." I muttered. "Yea?" Penboy asked. "hijack! Come closer." He ran oward me, and stood on the other side of me, punching the submissions as they came closer. "I need to hit that fusion reactor, and destory his barrel once and for all. Got it?" Penboy nodded. "I think so."
"Me too." agreed hijackreaper.
"Good. Now, I'm gonna neeed your weapons."

Penboy handed me his chain, and hijack gave me his wristband. "Now, cover my back!" I srpinted forward, again, toward the fusion rod. Penboy threw some submissions off the turret barrel, and into the abyss. hijackreaper kicked some down some of the old entries. I dropped to my knees, sliding tackling a few enemies.

The others stood and watched as Penboy, hijackreaper and I defended ourselves from thousands of dead submissions. Vikram-V stepped forward, ready to help us. Splurda stopped him. "It's their fight now." Vikram nodded. Still, he thought to himself, they might need some help.

"We neeed more help!' I screamed over the rush of battle. Penboy's constant grunting, as he punched and kicked back submissions, and hijackreaper's panting. I wrapped the two chains around the fusion rod, pulling a little hard. My grip slipped, and I slid my hand along the fusion rod. "Argh!" I cried, as it burned at my hand. Penboy looked over at me. "You okay?" He asked. "I'm fine, cover your own back." He nodded, and continued to defend himself. I spat on my hand to cool it, and grabbed the chains again. I wrapped it around, and tied them together. Small explosions of green power kept erupting from the rod. I shielded my face, and grabbed hijack's wrist band. I slid it over the two chains, and onto the fusion rod, and tightened it to hold the two chains in place.

"I'm done!" I screamed, to Penboy and hijackreaper. "Let's move!" I pointed in the direction of the others. I wrapped the longer chain around my wrist and, grabbed it. "Run!" Penboy and hijackreaper bolted, as I stood on the bridge.

I looked at the fusion rod, as I followed Penboy and hijackreaper. "Say goodbye." I pulled the chains, and snapped the wristband. The fusion rod split, and exploded slightly, tearing a hole in the barrel. I turned around, staring in amazement at how terribly that had worked. I swore, and pulled our two chains apart. "Dammit!" Penboy said, coming closer. "Was that the plan?" hijackreaper asked. "Not quite." I replied, still in shock. We watched a few more careless submissions tumble into the abyss below. "Wait..." Penboy held my shoulder. "I have an idea." I looked at his in surprise." "What is i-..." He was already running toward the fusion rod. He jumped. "No!" I screamed, and caught his leg with my whip. I pulled him back. "I'll do it." This is my fight now."

Penboy lay on the ground, wiping the sweat from his forehead, and hijackreaper stood, mouth wide open in shock, as I ran forward into thousands of dead submissions.

My chain felt even more powerful now. I sprinted forward again, feeling strange energry flowing through me, as if coming from Newgrounds itself, wanting me to save it. The energy was giving me power, as I decimated the .swf hordes. I jumped up, and whipped with my chain.

The fusion rod reacted, and exploded in a huge explosion of gas, liquid, flame and energy. It was the most insane thing I'd ever seen, and I was in the middle of it. I swung around, amidst the thousands of submissions clinging onto life. I swung at them with my chain, putting them out of their misery. A huge tongue of flame licked at my body, and singed my singlet. "Argh!" The smoke cleared for a half aasecond, and I watched myself plummet into the Portal's abyss.

Penboy looked over the edge. "He's falling!" hijackreaper ran to his side. "Dammit!"
"POIZIN, Kuro!" POIZIN and Kuro ran to Penboy. "Weapons. I'm going in after him." POZIN, a little shocked, handed Penboy his weapon. Kuro gave Penboy his chain. "Careful with it."
"I always am." Penboy winked. "See ya when I get back." Kuro shook his head in amazement. "Bloody Aussies."

I looked down. There was a huge white platform. I ht it, and army rolled onto my back. I was puffing. My nose was still bleeding, and a cut near my ribs had been opened, and was bleeding. My chain hit the platform hard. It bounced, and landed on my chest, and spiralled around my heart.

Penboy gave one end of POIZIN's whip toVikram-V, who had gathered the legions of defenders. "Hold on tight." Penboy eased himself over the edge, and let go. He fell, catching up to the end of the chains, as they unraveled. "I'm coming Dr34m3r."

I stood up, and let the chain loosen itself, and collapse onto the platform. The platform was glowing. That was strange. I looked around, and a white, glowing bridge extended from the platform, almost as if in anguish from pain, as if it was alive.

"So we meet again, Dr34m3r."

I stared into the bright light. The man emerging from it left it tainted with his evil. The bright light suddenly became unbearable to look at, as it radiated extreme pain. "Do you feel it, Dr34m3r?" The man let his hand slide down to his belt. "That was what I felt. When you threw me, you worthless bastard!'
"Dr34m3r!" I looked behind me. It was Penboy. "Who are you?" He asked the man that stood before us both. "I am you. Only, more bizzare." He charged at us, swinging his two daggers. I flicked my chain up, knocking of his strokes sidewards, and Penboy deflected the other. "Oh my god.." I said, briefly catching a glimpse of his face. "You survived?"

Matt nodded, obviously in pain. Penboy stood, momentarily suspended in shock. "I.. killed you. No-one could've survived that." He smiled; a distorted twist on the scarred remains of his face. "You're right. No-one did." He charged forward at us. I jumped back, opening my mouth slightly. "Obviously. "

He charged at us both again. I flicked my chain, and whipped his wrist, har.d He flew back through the air in a somersault, and landed perfectly. "If that was supposed to hurt, then ouch." I looked at him, in amazement. "I swear I killed this guy, Penboy." He nodded. "So would I."

We both ran forward, swinging our chains into his stomach. I thurst mine up, into his chin. He tumbled over and landed on the edge of the living bridge. The pain emanating from the empty shell of a man caused the bridge to squirm. He was slowly being pushed backwards. I walked over to him, as he struggled to hold on. "Surrender, and your death will be swift." He spat. "I will never give you that pleasure. Fool." He grabbed his daggers, and sliced the bridge. One of the recoiling pieces spiralled backwards, and slammed me in the face. "Argh!" The wound in my nose was re-opened. My nose began pouring blood.

I stood up, wiping my nose for the third time. "It shouldn't be this easy." Penboy tapped my shoulder. "It isn't." The rain began pouring down.

"Oh my frickin' God.." The entire cliff face collapsed before us, and the tnire might of the dead submissions army descended with it. "Umm.. Now what?" Penboy shrugged. "We fight?" I just stared at the army. "Mkay." We charged forward, our chains flying. "Cover my back!" Penboy jumped behind me, and we fought off the hundreds of thousands enemies that threatened our lives.

Dr34m3t emerged from within the small cave that Matt had come from. "I am a weapon." He said, looking at Penboy and I. "Fools. Dead fools."

He rushed at us, twirling his.. lollipop? I looked over at him. That... was too familiar. "SHIT!!" I screamed. That was his lollipop, tainted by the extreme aura of evil that emanated from Matt. "What? You surprised to see me?" I looked over in one of the corners of the transforming, now square platform. Matt stood, waving and smiling at me.

"How many times do you have to die?" I screamed, as I ran at him, trusting Penboy with the task of surviving the endless hordes. I swung my chain rapidly and violently, and Matt blocked my blows with ease. He knew they were coming. He knew how I fought. Dr34m3t reached me as well, and Matt struck him in the stomach. "I said, AFTER I'm done!" Matt yelled at the wounded man.

The rain was pouring harder than before. The platform was wet and slippery. I stood still, swinging my chain, forcing Matt to keep shfiting his position, depending on my attack. I knew that one single slip-up would force him to surrender. Or die. I struck at his knees with the middle section of my chain, and flicked it up, toward his face. Matt blocked both blows, but I struck again. He didn't have three hands, but I had enough chain length. The last blow caught him in the crotch. I hit again and again, and again. I kept slamming his crotch, until he collapsed onto the ground.

Matt's eyes were wide open, and I had slammed the air out of his body. He was dying. Finally. "It didn't have to end like this, you know." I said, staring at him. He nodded, drooling in pain, and trying to get air back in his system. "But, it did. I told you, surrender, and die quickly. Now, do you surrender?" Matt nodded. I raised my chain high in the air, and brought it down, shattering the bones and organs in his neck.

He died instantly, and permanently. Dr34m3t clutched his stomach, stopping the blood flow. He stared at me with wide eyes, shocked that I could slay his master. "I..I.." He tried. "Come here." I urged him. "Come closer." He stood up, and I put my arm around his shoulder. I reached across his torso, and grabbed my chain. I pulled it up to his throat, and tightened, and then twisted.

His body collapsed, and I turned to check on Penboy. He jsut about collapsed, but stood up again, ready to die for me. I grabbed the two bodies, and carried them toward Penboy. I threw them down on the ground, and immediately the submissions' assault stopped.

"This," I shouted to them. "This, these two men were the epitome of destruction in these place. They are dead, and now what? You drew your power from them, you relied on them. You LIVED off them." I spat, ridding my mouth of blood. "Now what?"

"We know."

I turned around. The entire army of Portal defenders stood, ready to battle their way through the hordes, for the final time. I laughed. "So do I, now." I spun my chain around. Penboy nodded. "You guys, take the front." I said. craigalan stood forward, with Kuro, POIZIN, Vikram-V and e-lord. "Time to fight.

I watched as almost 30 brave men marched toward that horde of thousands. Vikram-V's axe was sharp and ready to kill. e-lord had blunted his wrench, and POZIN's whip was wet, and ready to use. Everyone was ready to fight. Vikram-V stood right to the front. "This has happened twice before, and both times we retreated." He spat. "Not this time."

"Holy..." Penboy managed to squeeze out of his gaping mouth as the two armies descended on each other. craigalan punched around, but was killed by a barrage of blows. His body was thrown into the abyss of the Old Portal. I stood up straight, smiling, suddenly. "Umm, Dr34m3r? What are you thinking?" I looked at him. Then, I frowned. "Possibly, suicide." Penboy grabbed my shoulder. "What?" I pushed it off. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

I ran. "Dr34m3r!" Penboy yelled out. The fighting stopped, and every single warrior watched as I plummeted into the Old Portal's abyss. Vikram's mouth fell wide open.

As soon I fell below the platform, I felt power emanating from the Old Portal. "So, that was what drove Matt mad." I said to myself." I landed, and rolled. I felt my light aura intensify. It was insane. I ran toward the centre of the Old Portal. Submissions continutede to spew out, but up, and couldn't hurt me. My chain was emanating strength, and light.

"Time to end this."

I sprinted forward, and jumped into the emerging submissions. They clawed at me, but I held them off as I fell. Hundreds of submissions attacked me, as I descended into the very essence of the Old Portal. I swung with my chain, as though we were one being. I felt my light aura become intensififed again, but this time in extreme proportions. It was overwhelming. I couldn't stop it...

I...I tried to stand up. But I couldn't. .I.. tried again. I failed again. I.. I died.


Probably the best BBS Story I've ever read.

Not just because I'm in it.

Wow. That's saying a lot. I've read a lot of BBS stories, but I must say this is one of the better ones.

Awesome, very creative


Great story! Sounds like you need some help. Maybe someone who kills.... Jedis.... and has a certain numerical character in his name....

Sure. Next part.

I'm not in it!!!! >:C.

No seriously, it's great.
Make these into storyboards and let people animate them :D

You want in?

I'll happily let people animate it.

Nooo, not the new portal!

Unfortunately, yes, the New Portal.

Wow awesome story can't wait for the next part.

Thanks Too bad UberBarista locked the thread. No more excessive publictity for me..

But I guess that narrows down the people that really do want to read it.

Hahah you should turn this into a novel. BTW nice header :)

Yea. That would be awesome.

Great story, thanks for featuring me

That's alright.

o heeells NO!! i dint read nothing too long


Lol. That's why I liked the thread. Nice, shorter posts. But still the whole story.

hey, when are you updating this again? ive been waiting!!! its KILLING me!!!

I WOULD have done it now, but my parents are telling me I needa get ready for something.

So, soon as I can.

Oh, and can you guys spread the word about this?

i would, but if i try to creata a thread about it it will surely get locked, just like the one about your story. if i try through friends, i only have 3 so it wouldnt do much.

Yea, maybe.

I still don't get why mine was locked.

Anyway, I gotta go. It's updated, so enjoy.

Yes. nuke thos old submisons :)

Lol. I will. :)

dude! i sound awesome!!! thanks for putting me in.

You ARE awesome.


Yay :D
That is a massive story. Probably the biggest one on Newgrounds.

I dunno. The 60 day ban of hell was huge.

60-day ban of hell? whats that? is it a story or an acual ban for 60 days?

Story. They don't have 60 day bans. The longest ban is 30 days, and then their is deletion.

Note: The last part written with a laptop keyboard, while sitting in an American hotel. :)

i do that everyday. i practically live in hotels, since my dad likes to race mtorocycles in different states. so we stay at hotels, and im typing THIS on my laptop too.

Lol. This hotel is somewhat nice. It's in Anaheim. :)

The beginning, til the updates of today were typed on an iMac keyboard.

I have officially run out of space. :'(

thats great! OMG you sound awesome! i love it! hope you update again soon.

I've run outta space. :'(

I'll start a new news post with the rest of it.

Wow can't wait for the next part its gonna be awesome


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