View Profile ZeeAk
Gamertag: ZeeAk.

Zac @ZeeAk

Age 31, Male

Cinema usher.

Queensland University of Tech.

Logan, QLD

Joined on 3/7/06

Exp Points:
4,110 / 4,440
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6.16 votes
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Redesign Battle Part 2

Posted by ZeeAk - July 28th, 2007

Penboy fell to the ground. Qweety turned around. "What is it?" Penboy clutched his stomach. "Dr34m3r.. is dead." A look of shock came across Qweety's face. "It can't be." Penboy shook his head. "Yes, it can be."

The submissions clawed at my body, at my stomach, and my dead arms clutched it. Blood poured freely from my wounds, and my chain lay shattered near me. The submissions had clawed it too pieces. It was useless, even if I had survived.

Penboy looked up, as thousands of blood-stained submissions poured up into the sky, and landed around them. "See?" Qweety was in denial. "Could be anyone's." He stuttered, unsure. Penboy looked at him "Let's go get him?" Qweety looked at the tousands upon thousands of submissions surrounding them. "Argh!!" craigalan collapsed, his stomach torn in two. POIZIN turned to tend to him, but too late. A submission latched onto his back, and attacked him from behind. Pain racked his body. Vikram-V turned and killed the submissions, narrowly avoiding POIZIN's skin.

POIZIN lost his balance, and fell. "POIZIN!" Penboy screamed, and he jumped up. Qweety ran to the egde, and looked over. He watched POIZIN hit the ground and roll. "Woah!" Qweety fell off the platform, and rolled, followed by Penboy. Qweety ran over to POIZIN. There was a huge, bleeding wound in his back. Penboy grabbed Qweety's shoulder. "It's too late."

Vikram-V looked around as Splurda and e-lord fell back, blood spilling from wounds. "Dammit!" Vikram shouted. "Pull back!" He roared, over the battle. hijackreaper ran to his side. Slapdamonkeyaz collapsed, lifeless behind him. JediKiller1 dropped to the ground, watching blood seep from out of his hands, and down his leg from his knee wound.

Vikram-V looked down from the platform. 'Time to go,' he thought. He jumped off the platform. hijackreaper looked over to. "Argh!" He screamed, as a submission clawed at his back. He threw it off, and followed Vikram-V, limping as blood rushed freely from his wound.

Vikram turned around, wincing as hijackreaper just dropped to the ground. "Oh my god!" He yelled. "Run!" He grabbed Penboy and Qweety by the shoulders, and pulled them into the tunnel the submissions had dumped my body in. "Down!" Vikram dived to the ground, and Penboy dropped to his knees, and pulled hijackreaper with him.

The living threads of the platform began tearing, and pulling apart. Submissions slipped through the cracks. Some of the threads exploded. The defenders bodies rolled down into the abyss. Blood splattered around the Old Portal.

Vikram-V looked over at my corpse. There was no way I could've survived. Penboy walked over. "He's definetely gone." He turned away. Qweety jumped back. "Umm.." He said, pointing.

"Gone, am I?"

I walked up behind Penboy. "Not quite." He replied, smiling. Vikram-V nodded in my direction. I smiled. "Hello to you too, Vikram." Qweety stood look-out at the cave entrance. He turned to face me. "Nice to have you back." I laughed. "It's nice to BE back." He nodded, smiling. "What now?" Penboy asked. I looked around. "Fight back?" Qweety hit me on the back of my head. "There are four of us." He shook his head. "There are thousands of them." Vikram-V finished. "True.." I acknowledged. There was a strange silence, as Qweety watched the hordes reassemble themselves. I peeked out the cave door. "I have an idea."

I ran my hand through my hair. "Show time." I stepped forward, and turned back to face them. "Coming?" Qweety, Penboy and Vikram-V followed me. "Let's roll."

The four of us sprinted forward, and smashed into the ranks of submissions. They went flying, severed and bleeding. Vikram cleaved submissions apart. Qweety used his martial art skills to hold them off. Penboy stood between me and Vikram, creating wide arcs of space.

I sprinted forward, slashing through the thousands of entries. One jumped up through the air. I looked back at Penboy. The submission grabbed onto my face, and slashed my forehead. I clutched at my forehead, the blood seeping through my fingers. I hit the ground, and rolled over. The submissions circled around me.

"Argh!" I groaned. One of my hands clutched my forehead, while the other held my chain tight. Penboy leaped through the air, his arm also bleeding. Vikram-V soon followed. They held back the submissions around me. "Qweety..." I moaned. Vikram shook his head. He looked at his legs and feet. "That ain't my blood." I dropped my head on the ground. "Damn.." I groaned again. Penboy leaned down. "You okay?" He asked me. I shook my head. "No, not really." I struggled to say.

"Damn." Vikram-V backed up to us. "You better get ready soon. It's time to roll."

I struggled to my feet. Penboy extended his hand too me, and I grabbed it. "You're right. Time to roll." The three of us stood up. I stretched. Penboy loosened his muscles, and Vikram-V kneeled. I looked forward, at the assembled submission army.

"Let's roll."

We ran forward, and slammed into the army. My head was throbbing with pain, and the cut was still bleeding heavily. Penboy leaped to my side again. "Dr34m3r! Run!" He screamed at me, looking at the very centre of the Portal. I nodded, and sprinted forward, while my energy was draining fast. I jumped up, empowering my chain. I lashed it down. A huge burst of light slammed into the battle field in a ring, and a circle, creating a sign of peace. The submissions collapsed, as their best warriors strode into the white fire. The flames caught onto the submissions, and began decimating their ranks. "Holy crap." I muttered, still sailing through the air. I flicked my chain back up.

Penboy looked up at me, and gasped as my chain hit the ground, and created the mass of white flames. He began to run, screaming out for Vikram-V. Vikram jumped over to him. They ran together, swing outwards and forward with their weapons. They reached a wall of flame that suddenly burst up. Penboy flinched, and Vikram-V grabbed his arm, and they both ran straight through it.

The power of light slammed into them, and they became far more powerful. Many submissions chased them in. The submission's bodies began to burn, as Vikram-V and Penboy turned around. Penboy's chain shortened. In a sudden burst of light, it became a flick knife. He felt far stronger, as the light aura poured through him. Vikram's axe came longer, and almost rusted, with a stone-lookng blade. He knew that his new stone axe was far more powerful. He hacked through the submissions with ease.

I watched as Penboy and Vikram-V disappeared into the flames. "Oh my go-!" I began. I watched as Penboy and Vikram-V sprinted out of flames, with far more powerful weapons. The flames around me began to spiral higher. I watched as they began to circle around me. One of the flames wrapped around my ankle, and began softly spinning me. In the flames I could see memories. And the dead. I saw Qweety lying on the bottom of the Old Portal, as the sole warrior killed there. I also saw some warriors trying to grasp the last thread of life they had, as their wounds overcame them. I winced. No-one deserved this.

I heard something powerful. Not audible, but I felt it telling me something. I watched as the flames came closer and closer, and eventually engulfed me. The voice told me something.

"You die. They live."

The flames ripped my mouth open, and poured in, filling my body with power. They dropped me, and I rolled, spiralling down to the ground. My chain fell beside me, shattering. I looked at it, mouth agape in shock. But, the two pieces of my chain became erect, and sharp on both sides. They grew hilts, and became two katana. I got up, the ground cratering underneath the power in my body. I grabbed the two swords, and sheathed them.

"Time to go!" Vikram-V screamed to Penboy, as he bone axe cleaved through many of the dead submissions. Penboy flicked his knife back, and followed him. They ran for the centre of the Old Portal, where sudden bursts of energy erupted from a huge crater. That was where it would end.

They both ran harder, and breathed a sigh of brief relief, as the horde finally ended. There were no more submissions ahead of them, no more struggle to survive. But they had to keep going.

I jumped, and the ground smashed, and crumpled backwards, forcing huge portions of the ground backwards, cracking it. I began flying, and the wind slammed against me. But it was different. It wasn't the winds of war. It was the winds of peace, life, resurrection. Not death, or struggle, or battle, or war. Just peace. I landed, and rolled, slamming into the ground, and created a huge crater.

Vikram-V and Penboy looked back. All they saw was a massive crater with smoke rising out of it, as I stood and walked over to them. "Oh my god.." Vikram-V said, reaching his hand out. "Let's roll." I said, not looking at either of them. I began to run, and grabbed their hands, pulling them along.

We began sprinting, and I left the ground, leaving trails of smoke behind me. I stopped, suddenly, and we hit the ground. I looked at the both of them. "Before we go inside, I have one question." Vikram-V and Penboy looked at me. "What question?" Penboy asked.

"I die. You live." They looked at me, shocked. "Would you," I grabbed one of my swords, and held it in my hands. "Would you kill me?"

Penboy shook his head. "You've died once. Wasn't that enough?" I looked at the ground. "I know." Vikram-V held my shoulder. "You are asking me to kill the man who led us through a war, with, maybe, millions of casualties. I won't do it." I sheathed the sword. "Follow me then." I forced out of my mouth, before a tear escaped my eye, and fell onto the floor of the Old Portal. I looked up, and noticed that the rain had stopped, that I was dry. I also felt heavier, like a huge weight had been burdened on me. I knew what it was. Penboy, Vikram-V, Qweety, Splurda, everyone. All their lives.

The rain began to fall. I began to run. Vikram-V and Penboy followed me. The tears started to flow, faster and faster. I muttered to myself. "This ends now." I jumped, and left Vikram-V and Penboy behind, and fell into the centre of the Old Portal.

Vikram grabbed Penboy and pulled him along. They both ran after me. The Old Portal engulfed me, and the energy that had been exploding caught me, and bought me to the the very centre of Newgrounds itself. "I said," I heard the voice again. 'I know!" I yelled. I watched as a huge throne in the centre of Portal's energy turn around. There was a man sitting in it, He was created by energy. "You live, they." He paused, smiling. "DIE!"

Vikram-V and Penboy collapsed to the ground, searing pain racking their bodies, slowly killing them. Vikram-V stood. "This is what he was talking about." Penboy nodded, blood slowly seeping from his nose. "We have to do it."

I grabbed my katanas, and aimed them. The energy created a barrier, so I couldn't throw them. "Damn you!" I screamed to the man in the chair. "I am already am." I shook my head. "Pathetic bastard." I stoodon one of the strands of energy, and sprinted up it, slicing it as I went up. The barrier came closer. "Bastard!" I screamed louder, running my swords throught it, and prying to open. The strands of energy slowly closed the hole back up, covering the damamge I was inflicting. "Screw you!" I screamed again. I pulled my swords out of the barrier. "Die!" I yelled, and spin kicked the wall. The barrier shattered, and I rolled under it, as the strands of energy reco-operated. They began to chase me. I jumped.

Vikram-V looked up at me, as I shot up from the centre of Newgrounds itself. "Do it now!" I yelled at them. Penboy's mouth widened, in complete shock, as he watched what seemed like an explosions from the very centre of Newgrounds itself. I threw my katanas in front of them, and landed behind my katanas. "Fucking do it!" I screamed, as the energy spiralled towards me. Vikram-V crawled forward, grabbing one of my katanas. He collapsed as his hands wrapped around the hilt. "I'm dying." I kneeled. "I know. But, I can save your life." He looked at me. But, he was too late. The energy slammed against me. The skin on my back was torn off, and spilt. I screamed in pain, but I heard the voice again. "Once they are dead. You will never die. Only be in eternal pain." The voice laughed. "Do it Vikram!" I screamed, looking at him. He looked up at me, dying faster and faster. "Do it!" He pulled the katana from the ground. "Wait!" I said. I grabbed his hand, and pulled him up. "Penboy! Grab the katana!" I screamed. He crawled over and grabbed it. Blood seeped from my back, racking my entire body with pain. I pulled Vikram-V and Penboy onto my shoulders, my weapons in their hands. I ran toward the centre of Old Portal, away from the energy beams.

I stopped at the very edge. I put them down. "Hurry!" I screamed. I watched the beams of energy come closer and closer, aiming to tear me apart, and have me live in endless pain. "Do it!" I screamed. They were both nearly dead, and had their hands wrapped around the hilts of the two swords. I grabbed their wrists, and aimed the swords at my heart. "Push!" I screamed. I let go of their wrists, and they pushed the swords. They both pierced my heart.

My eyes widened, and I felt the heavy burden wash away, as the rain started to fall. The energy beams slammed into me, tearing me apart, and my skin was shattered and torn. They knocked me backwards, and I fell into the Old Portal, the very centre of Newgrounds itself.

The man in the throne watched in shock and horror as my body descended into the depths of Newgrounds. He stood off his throne. "Bastard." He said.

Penboy and Vikram-V stood up. They were.. alive. They could feel again. They felt no pain. No guilt. Only, peace. They looked into the Old Portal. They watched a shining man made of energy and power sit back down on a throne. It was over they realised. They turned around. "holy.." Penboy stepped forward, holding his arm out, as he saw the millions of submissions lying dead on the ground, permanently. There was no more war. No more death. It was over. Vikram-V looked in the distance. "Who's that?" He asked. Penboy squinted. "That... That is Qweety."

Qweety looked behind him. "Well, we are home." Splurda put his hand on Qweety's shoulder. He looked behind him at the amassed army of defenders. "We all are."


i love it!

So do I. :)

Gone am I? Yoda never dies!
Storyboard, backgrounds, characters and collab it (everyone who is mentioned can be in :D) Two month-deadline or so.

I have a.... 'special' plan.

And a terrible keyboard.

I'll collab it, definetely. Everyone featured gets first dibs :)

But, when I get back from my holiday.:)

Awesome it just keeps getting better and better

Lol. Thanks.

i about to update ny story, incase you want to read it.


teh awesomes indeed.

Tanhks yu!

This story is made of pure win. Freaking awesome seriously.

I'm gonna finish it off soon.

There is going to be a part 3?

I dunno. Maybe. I kinda want it flash-ified.

That was awesome man, you should seriously publish this as a book. If not, you should think about a writing career. :)

Thanks. :)

I'm gonna write another one.

Aweseom story, but when did I die? It doesn't mention me being killed :/.

Well, everyone does, except Penboy and Vikram-V, so I don't actually specify too many people.